John Demartini – Online -The Demartini Values Training Program – USA 2020 | Instant Download !
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If you’re a coach, mentor, facilitator or teacher, if you’re a parent, manager or business leader or if you’re someone dedicated to your own growth and development then learning about VALUES is the wisest action you can take if you’d like to have the true keys to empowering life.
And I’m not talking about morals and ethics which so many people mistake values for – I’m talking about what you value most, what’s MOST important to you and that your life demonstrates as important to you every single day.
It’s this area of life, that when you identify it, gives you the greatest power to raise engagement, productivity, focus, drive, enthusiasm. It’s where your greatest genius, innovation, leadership, creativity and inspiration all emerge.
It’s so important that I share this as the foundation of all my teaching.
If you are working with clients, staff, kids and trying to get performance and focus out of them and you’re not communicating what you want in terms of what they value, you’ll end up feeling frustrated by the lack of results.
Working with an individual’s highest values gives you the power to raise productivity, engagement, drive and focus and is pivotal to learning, achievement and fulfillment.
So whether you want to unlock your own inner genius and intrinsic drive or do that for the people you work with, or your kids, learning about Values and the application of Values in the 7 areas of life is going to give you a profound advantage.
Pedro Da Silva said ‘this is the most useful course I’ve ever taken’ and that is mirrored by so many testimonials we receive after each training program. Damien Terlien said that it provided him with ‘a very real and effective tool for changing lives be it in a corporate, educational or familial setting’ and that he’d be using this tool ‘in his daily life’ going forward.
So if you feel that you are ready to learn about the incredible driving force of Values and how to use this transformational process to empower your life and the lives of people you care about, then join me for my 4-day Demartini Values Training Program which I’ll be presenting for the very first time ONLINE. That means that you can receive this training in the comfort of your own home and you don’t have to travel, deal with parking or the weather!
I hope to see you online for a deep education experience with practical applications that you’ll do throughout the 4 days so that you walk out not only knowing all the theory but also having done the practical applications and already seeing the results in your own life. That’s profound!
See you there.
What Others Have To Say About The Program
“I have been to most of the D.I. programs and all have their place, however this by far one of the most important courses to truly understand your purpose. After the repeated question to myself “what am I truly here for”. Understanding my true values, I can now clearer than ever before to the answer of my question. I got the clarity as early as day 1 of the course. Thank you” ~Manmeet Chowdhry
“After attending the Demartini Values Training Program, I realized the actual value of improved productivity and maximum performance which I can implement in business.” ~Ann Filgate
“DVTP is extremely valuable in that one is able to apply the process and principle to businesses in all 7 areas of life. The practical component is essential in learning exactly how it can be applied in various situations which are initially perceived to be problematic. However, by using the value determination as well as the linking process, one is able to overcome any perceived obstacle in any organization.” ~Chanelle Peverett
“This training has really helped me get clearer about my values and relate it to starting a business. I can now see how important establishing your values is to seeing where you are in your life and why you get the results you’ve been getting. Thank you for your love and support.” ~Dorothy Biney
“This was an excellent course. I was pleasantly surprised to see how important that Demartini Method is in Values Determination.” ~Raam Naicker
“Values Training is a phenomenal course, not only to teach but to learn from. It is a huge help in understanding our family and friends, to communicate to others within their values. To businesses it’s a tool that creates productive and profitable environments. Real value for the money!” ~Sehaam Bateman
“DVTP is what I have been looking for to offer my seminars to assist others in the workplace to bring out their genius based on all the foundations I have seen in my consulting role. I knew there was a link to job satisfaction and profitability of companies. Now I have found the tool to make my own personal change and to others. A great program that I highly recommend!” ~Vis Naidoo
“After having attended the majority of Dr Demartini’s courses multiple times, I was surprised and delighted to gain more practical insight in this course than any other.” ~Jean Joubert
“DVTP is a very practical & informative 4 days providing very real and effective tools for changing the lives of many, be it in a corporate, educational or familial setting. I learnt valuable things which I intend to use in my daily life.” ~Damien Terlien
“The Values Training is of great value to me and to the people I engage with. It has given me new a new set of tools which I will use to further master my life and use my knowledge to serve others.” ~Andrew Terlien
“I understood values and their applications but the training of values has made it real. It will be impossible to ignore them ever again. In combination with Demartini Method, it becomes a powerful toolbox.” ~Henri Bezuidenhout
“My initial thought is to say it’s the most enjoyable training program I have attended with John, but then I don’t think I could have experienced such benefit if I didn’t also understand John’s principal work taught at Breakthrough, the combination of the two is quite extraordinary in what it can do for your life and focus. I have already experienced significant benefit and can’t wait to start sharing it with and helping others – I have actually already started I ran a group the very next day!! Thank you John!” ~Scott Cranfield
“An attitude of gratitude is not just by luck and for just the lucky, it is a duplicable & reproducible science by asking quality questions to help transform obstacles & challenges from being in the way, to on the way.” That is the lesson I learned from having the privilege of spending an Inspiring 4 days training with Dr. John Demartini in the Demartini Values Training Program. Thank you John for sharing your love & wisdom so that we may assist others in sharing their love & wisdom.” ~Johnathan Sugai
“The Demartini Values Training Program was one highly inspiring and enriching course! It’s been brilliantly designed to deliver a star-load of valuable information, build practical experience, and offer viable revenue-generating ideas. I’m so coming back!” ~Antonio Brunner
“Thank you for a phenomenal Values Training program. That has impacted me, my approach to business, and my interaction with the close people in my life since the first day. Thank you.” ~Kyle Hulsebus
Clayton Mullins –
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