Jeb Blount – The NEW Essentials Voicemail | Fanatical Prospecting | Instant Download !
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When prospecting by phone the one thing you can count on is getting voicemail. In fact, seventy-five percent or more of your calls will go to voicemail. Therefore it is essential that you know how to leave and craft effective voicemail messages that will get returned.
When prospecting by phone the one thing you can count on is getting voicemail. In fact, seventy-five percent or more of your calls will go to voicemail. Therefore it is essential that you know how to leave and craft effective voicemail messages.
This course teaches you proven techniques for leaving voicemail messages that get returned.
You’ll learn exactly what to do and say to get prospects to call you back and how effective voice mail messages can help you build familiarity, tell your story, and engage prospects.
In this course you will learn:
- Why voicemail matters and is a crucial part of a balanced prospecting approach
- The 3 Objectives of voicemail messages
- Four keys to more effective voicemail messages
- The 5 Step Voicemail Message Framework
- Exactly what to say on voicemail messages and why message matters
- How to craft compelling voicemail messages that get returned
- Three types of value that compel prospects to call you back
- How to leverage both mass and personalized voicemail messages
- The one thing you must never do on a voicemail message
- Leveraging voicemail in a prospecting sequence
- LinkedIn voicemail time hack
- Voicemail block time hack
Aleah Branch –
As expected | Jeb Blount – The NEW Essentials Voicemail | Fanatical Prospecting