Jean Logan – Sacred Symbols of Light | Instant Download !
Jean Logan – Sacred Symbols of Light
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This manual contains sacred God given symbols that can: resolve malignancies, restore organs and glands that are diseased, resolve eye diseases, regenerate bone and cartilage loss, remove harmful vaccinations and repair their damage, remove etheric implants, resolve neurological problems, remove stagnant lymph, remove toxic matter from the body including kidney stones and much more. It contains 34 powerful symbols as well as instructions in using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Ancient civilizations have used symbols for thousands of years for transformative purposes and individuals today can still draw on this ability to allow symbols to guide them toward healing. The combination of glyphs, together with prayer and the power of intention are very powerful and will allow the body to relieve conflict, let go of patterns of negativity and promote healing. These symbols represent an edict from the Creator to release man kind from the bondage that holds them. They are blessed and empowered in a sacred ceremony by the entire company of heaven.
Regular usage can impart significant life changes. The Sacred Glyphs are a language of Light that works through impulses that are electrical charges. These impulses come from the Central Sun.The Central Sun receives the directive from the Glyph which in turn activates an electrical healing pulsation. This pulsation is emitted on a regular basis as long as the Glyph exists. The Glyphs should be respected as sacred.
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