J.L.Lord – Option Greeks for Profit – Available Now !!!
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This manual dissects and demystifies the most confusing of all option concepts – the Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and Rho). This is an advanced text for those wishing to push the limits in their option education. Through it is designed for ease of understanding by the layperson, even the most seasoned professional floor traders will likely learn something from this powerhouse of knowledge. How often have you wished for this knowledge when every trade seems to go against you?
The materials presented are not just cold theories, but takes those theories and turns the practicalities of the Greeks into strategies one can use to profit from the markets. Learn how professional traders can buy or sell straddles and strangles while using time-decay to their advantage, even when forced to pay out the time decay. This is the analytical trader’s quantitative manual to trading; yet, it is presented so that anyone without an advanced math background can understand. No trading library is complete without this text. What would it be worth emotionally and financially to have a panic button at your disposal? Many people have paid over $20,000 for specialized options training without learning the lessons presented here.
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Kylie Hodges –
Great product. I suggest listening to these many times because they have been well worth the investment. The counter tactics the author suggests, are questionable because they are contrary to win/win. Otherwise they are well worth the investment if you ar