Ivybot – Available Now !!!
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A proven system, Ivybot has been trading successfully on the forex markets for over 9 years. It has been hailed as the most profitable and comprehensive Forex trading robot every created. The success rate is currently at 94% – no, even a robot does not win every single trade!
Built by highly intelligent Ivy League graduates, the system is very simple to use and doesn’t require any active participation from the user. Ivybot is incredibly flexible and is equally suitable for novice traders or seasoned professionals. The system is really aimed at anyone who has previously tried to make a profit in Forex but has failed, as well as those who are new to trading but would like to see themselves making a profit quickly. You don’t need to know anything about foreign exchange, trading, computers or mathematics to make it work for you. The trading process is extremely safe and secure, and it is virtually impossible even for a complete newbie to mess it up!
This highly intuitive robot is able to recognize not just major changes in market behaviour, but also minor ones as well. This is especially important in today’s difficult economic climate as markets are constantly changing. Based on trading systems that successful traders already use, the robot is programmed to
trade during particular trends, so you should not be alarmed if there don’t seem to be
as many trades taking place as you would expect, so is probably not for you if you are the sort of trader that likes to be making trades constantly throughout the day! If you are interested in successful trades however, then Ivybot is definitely for you as it makes a very high number of these!
Advantages of IvyBot Forex Robot:
Simple way to setup the system
The back test over a period of past 9 years showed that the IvyBot Forex Robot has been scoring an average of 664.4% a year, with the impressive success rate at 94%!
IvyBot mainly using a Scalping trading method with a timeframe of 1 min and average profit of 15pips. So the trades are became and end very fast and loses are minor.
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