IC19 Short Course 25 – The Use of Ericksonian Hypnosis in Systemic, Dialectical Long-Term Group Therapy – Malvina Tsounaki, MS | Instant Download !
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Archive: https://archive.fo/cBjRM
This short course will present the systemic, dialectic, multilevel, multifocal, model of group therapy utilized at the Institute of Anthropos in Athens, Greece. The approach is influenced by Ericksonian methods and additional techniques from other perspectives have been added.
The presentation will illustrate the manner in which the group therapeutic process, viewed as a sequence, can create a hypnotic script for the group. The goal is to utilize and reframe what is developed during the group session as a synthesis. This creates a higher level of abstraction that can be shared in common by the group as a whole. In turn, an emotional shift in each member is facilitated. The ultimate purpose is to promote group and individual therapeutic goals in a context of support and connection.
Educational Objectives:
- Explain how use of the group session content and process can create an Ericksonian hypnotic induction that promotes changes in group members.
- Cite important principles of the Systemic Dialectic, Multilevel Multifocal Group Therapy approach.
Quick shipping A+. good product! | IC19 Short Course 25 – The Use of Ericksonian Hypnosis in Systemic, Dialectical Long-Term Group Therapy – Malvina Tsounaki, MS