High Risk Postpartum Patients Conquer the Mother-Baby Warning Signs – Donna Weeks | Instant Download !
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Caring for a new mother and her newborn is complicated, stressful, and challenging. You may be very experienced as a postpartum nurse or new in your role. Regardless, at the end of the day we want to feel as if we did a great job, but how many times do you wonder if you missed something? What could you have done differently?
The fast-paced world of OB means constant admissions and discharges. How stressed do you feel when you know you need to discharge a patient so you can accept a new one? Have you met the challenge of teaching a new mom the post-birth warning signs? Does she know how to prevent the most common causes of postpartum maternal mortality? And…do you?
Each day we try our best to care for patients. We all want to know that we did all we could for every patient. Giving the best care requires staying up-to-date. Changes, protocols, state regulations, policies, and procedures make nursing a complicated world that challenges all of us. It adds a layer of stress to each day and it feels difficult to keep up with the latest from AWHONN, ACOG, the ISMP, and the CDC. At the core…you need to understand WHY these changes occur and HOW they benefit our patients. This recording takes a closer look at some current issues and digs deeper into finding out the WHY and HOW, discussing life-saving measures for both mothers and babies. Bring important new insights back to the patient bedside to transform the care that you deliver!
Anthony Wyatt –
Recieved in good time and condition.. Thanks | High Risk Postpartum Patients Conquer the Mother-Baby Warning Signs – Donna Weeks