Henry Akins – Inside the Closed Guard | Instant Download !
Henry Akins – Inside the Closed Guard
Salepage : Henry Akins – Inside the Closed Guard
Arichive : Henry Akins – Inside the Closed Guard
Want to know a secret? If your opponent is TERRIFIED to close their guard around you… their guard becomes infinitely easier to pass.
Want To Know The ONE “Hidden Connection” that opens EVERY Closed Guard like a “Skeleton Key”?
Want to know how to regain and KEEP your posture when you end up in someone’s Closed Guard?
Want To Know How To SHUTDOWN Even The BIGGEST, STRONGEST, MOST AGGRESSIVE closed guard players and set up your passes with ease?
Inside The Closed Guard System
– FINALLY… the governing principles and concepts of the ONLY proper closed guard posture that keeps you SAFE at all times.
– Discover the handful of MOST important things you should NEVER do when placed in someone’s closed guard
– What to do if your opponent tries to pull you down. This will change EVERYTHING you’ve ever thought about staying safe inside the closed guard.
– Discover the one thing NOBODY EVER wants you to do to them when you’re in their closed guard… and how to frustrate them EVERY TIME
– Sometimes (even experienced grapplers) have NOTHING from the closed guard even though THEY put you there. I’ll show you how to rue the day they closed their legs around you.
– Sometimes (even experienced grapplers) have NOTHING from the closed guard even though THEY put you there. I’ll show you how to rue the day they closed their legs around you.
– Once you develop your ability to be an IMMOVABLE OBJECT inside someone’s closded guard… after you’ve amply frustrated them… I’ll show you “how to open the legs and pass”… THE EASY WAY!
– Opening the closed guar is EASY… but there’s ONE incredibly important concept you MUST UNDERSTAND and I GUARANTEE you that you’ve never been taught it correctly.
– Opening the closed guard 100% of the time on anyone and everyone requires you do 3 simple things. Do them right and you’re OUT and passing… Do them wrong and you’re either drowning in their attack or just flat out stuck.
Elisabeth Wolf –
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