Fstoppers – Photographing the World 3 with Elia Locardi – Available Now !!!
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In 2017 we are excited to announce that the world wide journey continues with Photographing the World III!Building upon the first two Photographing the World series, part III explores more advanced editing techniques as well as unique capturing methods in the field.Elia finds himself capturing stars in a city, dealing with harsh weather, scouting towns he has never previously visited, gaining access to unique rooftop views, using tilt shift lenses and Gigapan hardware, and even capturing the magnificant fog of Dubai.If you have been waiting for our next adventure with Elia Locardi, welcome to Photographing the World III!
Whats Covered in this Tutorial
1. In-Camera Photography Techniques (ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture, White Balance, etc)
2. Overview of ideal lenses and gear for Cityscape and Astrophotography
3. Examples of New Lightweight Tripods, Clamps, and Accessories
4. Extensive Location Scouting and Tips for better composition, angles, and vantage points
5. How To Set Up Precise Camera Gear to Capture Hard to Work With Shooting Locations
6. Advanced Panoramic Photography Shooting and Stitching
7. GigaPano Multi-Row Panoramic Shooting and Stitching
8. Working in Urban Environments and Proper Gear Setup and Control
9. Solid Neutral Density Filters and Softening Skies and Water
10. How to Use Smart Phone Apps to Precisely Plan Your Night and Astro-Photography
11. Capturing Stars and Star Trails Over Urban Environments
12. Understanding and Mastering Light (Golden Hour, Blue Hour, Sunrise and Sunset, and Astro)
13. Time Blending (combining exposures shot at different times)
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Charlize Koch –
Great | Fstoppers – Photographing the World 3 with Elia Locardi