Frank Paul – Buy The Dips, Sell The Rallies – Available Now!!!
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a Step-by-Step Approach to Day Trading the Forex Simply and Effectively with Trend, Momentum and Support/Resistance.
Buy the Dips / Sell the Rallies is 3 1/2 hour video course, that outlines a dead simple, yet highly effective scalping – and day-trading methodology built specifically upon Peter Bain’s famous trading motto.
In this course, we look at just three individual intraday timeframes, each including just ONE indicator for intra-day trend, and ONE indicator for momentum.
Together with a few simple support/resistance concepts like Fibonacci and pivots, we use those readings to identify priority Swing Points marking the start and end of pullbacks against the trend.
This method is perfect for traders looking to consistently pull 20-50 pips per day out of the market working just 1-2 currency pairs at a time.
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Ciara Walters –
Thanks!!! Fast!!! | Frank Paul – Buy The Dips, Sell The Rallies