EP17 Speech with Discussant 07 – The Space Between: A New Way to Think About Couples Therapy – Harville Hendrix, PhD, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD and Harriet Lerner, PhD | Instant Download !
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Reimagining couple hood as a partnership, rather than a competition, requires reimaging the “space between,” rather than “the space within,” as the target of therapy. This relocation of the locus of change requires reimaging therapy as a process that facilitates connecting more than self-understanding. This lecture will propose “being” rather than “knowing” as the foundation of the therapeutic process and connection and wonder rather than insight and self-knowledge as the outcome.
Educational Objectives:
- Discuss the distinction between “being” and “knowing”.
- Compare the “space between” to the “space within”.
- Cite the basic historic shifts in the structure and function of couple hood.
Corbin Hurst –
Nice item, Thanks | EP17 Speech with Discussant 07 – The Space Between: A New Way to Think About Couples Therapy – Harville Hendrix, PhD, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD and Harriet Lerner, PhD