EP17 Great Debates 02 – The Neurobiology and Psychosocial Correlates of Trauma and Resilience – Donald Meichenbaum, PhD and Bessel van der Kolk, MD | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
Archive: https://archive.fo/wip/kQ5lk
In the aftermath of traumatic and victimizing experiences, most individuals are impacted, but 75% evidence resilience while 25% “get stuck” and develop PTSD and co-occurring disorders. This presentation will discuss what distinguishes these two groups and considers the implications for treatment.
Educational Objectives:
- Distinguish the neuro-biological and psycho-social consequences of trauma and resilience and the implications for treatment.
- Discuss practical ways to bolster resilience in six domains (physical, interpersonal, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and spiritual).
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
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