Enhancing Emotion Regulation Skills for the Cognitively Challenged Client: The Skills System – Julie Brown | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
The Trauma Center is excited to announce its Sixth Annual Summer Training Institute! Conducted by Senior Faculty of the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, this intensive program undertakes a depth exploration of the complexity of adaptation to trauma, cutting edge interventions, and integrative approaches to healing for impacted children and adults.
Dr. Brown will introduce participants to her Skills System for improvement of self-regulation and executive functioning in traumatized adolescents and adults presenting with cognitive challenges.
Individuals with histories of trauma and/or behavioral health issues experience cognitive challenges that impact their abilities to self-regulate. These deficits impact the individuals to:
- access therapeutic interventions
- develop/maintain relationships
- execute goal directed behaviors.
This training will provide participants with an introduction to the Skills System, which is a user-friendly emotion regulation skills curriculum designed to be accessible for individuals that are vulnerable learners. This session will offer participants a few tangible additions to their bag of tricks and provide a foundation for more advanced Skills System learning.
- Compile processes associated with emotion generation and regulation.
- Articulate the names of the nine core skills in the Skills System.
- Assemble basic skills chains using the three System Tools in the Skills System.
- Integrate the Skills System model into individual therapy
- Connect how individuals with histories of trauma and/or behavioral health issues experience cognitive challenges that impact their abilities to self-regulate.
- Adapt how the Skills System has become a simple, yet sophisticated emotion regulation road map for youth and adults.
- Introduction to Emotions and Emotion Regulation
- Skills System concepts
- All-the-Time Skills
- Clear Picture
- On-Track Thinking
- On-Track Action
- All-the-Time Skills
- Safety Plan
- New-Me Activities
- Calm Only Skills
- Problem Solving
- Expressing Myself
- Getting It Right
- Relationship Care
- Building Skills Chains
Jean Kim –
Wonderful transaction. Great communication. Thank you | Enhancing Emotion Regulation Skills for the Cognitively Challenged Client: The Skills System – Julie Brown