Distant Light – Social Life Hacking | Instant Download !
Distant Light – Social Life Hacking
Harmoniously mesh together social circles, social networking and cold approach to take your lifestyle to the next level.
Living a life of abundance and enjoying every moment of it, being a fascinating man women can’t help being drawn into, building a social circle of beautiful women and amazing men are some of those things that aren’t talked about or really even considered in the pickup artist community.
The community places a large emphasis on the technical intricacies of cold-approach and “training” to become an effective chaser, through thousands of rejections, but rarely tell us where the whole thing is supposed to be heading. Well, let me tell you…
1. Cold Approach Mastery Is UNPROFITABLE
Your life will pass you by if you spend it TRYING to gain “cold approach mastery”…
You will be 3 years in and have absolutely NOTHING to show for it besides a few epic stories. You will also find it TIME CONSUMING just to even get abit of consistency.
And so most pick up artists, even the ones who achieve mastery, end up with a cool little skill (being able to walk up to stranger and get an interaction going), but since it was so hard for them to acquire it, and after such an emotionally-charged “training”, they fail to recognize that cold-approach is just a tool, and besides some basic social skills, there’s not much other tools they need to express who they are and get access to the best life has to offer.
The second big shift in perspective, you will make is the following:
2. Focus On Living An Incredible Lifestyle
You don’t need to ever hit on chicks or TRY because you are naturally attractive. YOU ARE THE OPPORTUNITY. The best route is developing your life around things your passionate about and continually take it to the next level. Allow people to come along by simply inviting them to come along. This is the highest form of expression as it shows WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE.
Socialize during the day and night but focus more on living. What do you do in life? Welp invite people. You like watching some tv show bring 2-3 chicks over to chill and drink. You like shopping for food, bring 2-3 chicks along and to smoke with you later (for you weed heads). You’re going out with your boys, bring 4-5 girls along.
The gist is to always have women around you as you go about your life. But how do you interact if your no longer CHASING?
3. It Is Time To Build Your POOL Of Women To Chose From
“Emotions are like cocaine” does not matter her logic. You set this frame she is compelled to chase especially if your THE RIGHT GUY. The gist of all this is “Women are willing to do anything with the right guy who creates the opportunity/excuse”.
These three ideas are the foundations you’ll build your lifestyle around.
This is where this book comes in…
Jocelyn Gaines –
Awesome and great price!!!!!! | Distant Light – Social Life Hacking