Dipal Shah – Unlock Infinite Health – Quantum Health Reboot | Instant Download !
Dipal Shah – Unlock Infinite Health – Quantum Health Reboot
The Ancient Secret of the Hara Dimension
Haraline: Your Core Powersource of Intentionality
Your One-Step Solution to Unlock Infinite Health
Are you ready to finally heal yourself and create miracles in your life but you keep searching for the ‘how to’?
Get Ready to get your Life Back!
You can be Healthy, Vibrant, and Full of Life Again.
If your health has deteriorated to the point where you are beginning to lose hope, then I have the vital key piece of information that you are missing!
Your best days are NOT over!
Rosacea in the Eye Cleared Up!!
Scroll down to read Peter’s amazing story!
Whether you struggle with:
- Stress
- Depression
- Chronic pain
- Mood swings
- Adrenal fatigue
- Digestive problems
- An overactive bladder
- Kidney stones or failure
- Tumors, cysts, or polyps
- Pinched nerves or neuropathy
- Blood, Heart & Circulatory Issues
- An inflamed gallbladder or stones
- Depression, moodiness, or brain fog
- Sexual dysfunction (men OR women)
- Abnormal pap results or mammograms
- Dripping sweat and constant hot flashes
- Constant pain due to muscle, bone, or ligament issues
- One seemingly unrelated health problem after another
- Gastrointestinal discomfort in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or both
These problems can all be rooted within a dysfunction within your Hara line.
In fact, your body’s personal expression of structure, disease, and pain is trying to communicate this to you!
Hi, my name is Dipal Shah and I have worked in the fields of medicine and healing for fourteen years. Over the course of my career I have learned the power of remotely adjusting your spine. This is done in order to connect with the Hara line. The Hara line is a laser-like line that runs through your spine down into the center of the earth. It is a powerful energetic channel that holds within it the formula for your health. As I adjust your spine and open up the channels for healing in your body, I can easily see how to eliminate the pain, discomfort, illness or disease that has been keeping you from living your life to the fullest.
- Are you ready to take that next step and unleash your body into the greatest health ever?
- How valuable would it be to understand your needs, motives and desires at their root level?
- Could experiences buried in the deepest memory be shaping your behavior and health?
- Has childhood trauma manifested itself in the way you feel today?
- Do you have cords, beliefs, and vectors that you need to unplug?
- Are you holding onto old emotions and feelings that you just can’t seem to let go?
- Has your health deteriorated and you feel hopeless about restoring it?
If so, then your Hara line needs my support!
“Amazingly Accurate Insights! Huge Emotional Release!”
” I worked with Dipal a few months ago. Dipal has a profound ability to intuitively sense, feel, and talk to the body. She sensed things going on in my life and my body that I didn’t even mention to her. She knew that there was something going on with a relationship in my life and my inability to speak up. As she cleared that energy I could feel a tingling in my throat and all the energy just being lifted. I asked Dipal about another problem with my intestines and she actually could see that the descending colon was blocked. As she was working on that blocked energy I could feel the intense energy just shifting and then all of a sudden having an emotional releasing. Dipal mentioned to me that she felt pain in my stomach area. It was a sharp pain, may be even the gallbladder. I mentioned to her later that I had my gallbladder taken out. She has found in her work that most of the time organs that have been surgically removed leave an imprint in the body. Dipal dissolved the energy that had been left from my removed gallbladder. I really found working with Dipal to be nothing short of Amazing!!! ”
Eram Saeed, Creator of From Heartache to Joy Global Telesummit
“My Achilles tendon pain felt easier in minutes & I could walk normally the NEXT DAY!”
” I was introduced to Dipal a few days ago and as I had some pain and stiffness in my Achilles tendon that was really bugging me and causing a limp, I was grateful to have her work her healing magic on it remotely for me.
The 9-month old injury was self-inflicted as a result of walking the beaches of the Gold Coast in Australia for miles, every day when I was there last May. All of that walking barefoot (bliss) had over stretched the tendon and on return to the UK and heels I had developed quite a persistent injury (agony!). As a healer and Cosmic Orderer myself, I had worked on it quite a bit & had 6 rounds of physio, all of which had helped, but clearly I was missing something as the pain persisted.
Dipal’s process was swift, easy and painless and after only a couple of minutes the pain had subsided considerably and the mobility was improved. The big surprise was the next morning when I found the pain was almost gone and I had enough mobility to walk normally without limping. That was 5 days ago and the pain has not returned to its former level and I have even managed a 5-mile dog walk, walking normally with no discomfort. As you can imagine, I’m over the moon!” Thank you Dipal, you are clearly very skilled at what you do. ”
Ellen Watts
“Complete Body Reset!! I feel Amazing!!”
” I had my first session with Dipal. I was having this issue with a lump in my throat and postmenopausal issues. Right away I could feel the energy in my belly moving, lessening and becoming lighter. As Dipal worked on me I could feel my head moving in a way in which has been difficult in the past. Usually, there is snapping noises -All Gone! Dipal worked on my spine and I could see how in my life I was acting like a robot! Wow! That opened up a whole other chapter. Dipal then worked on my ovaries and I could see them as a lush green space that was renewed. By the end of our session the lump in my throat was lessened by at least 50%. And the area of my liver felt more freed up as she did the energetically did a liver cleanse. I felt lighter. Thanks Dipal! I look forward to other amazing sessions ”
Amy Vasterling, Intuitive Pathfinder
IT IS POSSIBLE to shift fatigue, pain, and ill-health back into harmony and vibrant health!!
Imagine what life would be like once you restore your:
Health and Happiness
Energy and Vitality
Organs and Systems
Cellular Makeup
What would you do?
How would you feel?
Who would you be?
It is your divine right to experience that life!
“Rosacea in the Eye Cleared Up”
” Not sure how Dipal did it, but I am so amazed at the results. Definitely not what I expected in 1 session!! I have been dealing with Rosacea in my eye for years and was getting ready to go to the doctors in 2 days because it started up again. My rosacea flares up at times and when I met Dipal she could see that my eye was watering, stinging, red and I was in pain. I couldn’t even open the eye. It was so hard for me to see. In one session with Dipal, the pain , watery eye, stinging, all went away. I could keep my eyes open and they were no longer irritated and red. I was so happy that I even cancelled my appointments with the physician. It has been a few months and still no sign of rosacea in my eye, that one session did the magic. If you have not tried Dipal’s work, I highly recommend her for anything that may be going on in your body. She has the power to transform your body within minutes. ”
Peter, Hotel owner
“Completely Pain Free!”
” I received her powerful healing and went from feeling pain in my belly and lower back to feeling completely pain free and filled with warm energy flowing through all of my body but especially through the parts that had been hurting before. I also felt connected to my self for the first time in the last 6 weeks.
I have to say that Dipal is not only a very powerful healer but she is also very sweet and caring.
During the session I felt a lot of pain in lots of places and I thought: Oh, my God, I am so full of pain, I think the session will end and I’ll still be hurting! but I went on processing deep grief from my IVF losses and not being a mother and from the trauma I suffered at age 7 (Dipal had asked me before I even told her about my trauma at 7: what did happen 7 years ago or at age 7?) I went very deep, was sobbing, and Dipal helped me to release and let go of the pain and anger. When my mind was trying to stop me from releasing what no longer served me, I was also very open to my husband and could be intimate with him in a very loving way. The pain in my lower back and my belly were gone and my heart was full again (this is also what I could not feel for the last 6 weeks), so I was very happy. Dipal asked me to visualize golden, silver and copper energies around my body and in a couple of minutes I was feeling very relaxed and felt warm energies filling my lower back, then my right ovary and finally my womb. The physical pain as well as the emotional pain was completely gone!! Afterwards the warm energy kept flowing and flowing and I could open myself to my husband and be intimate with him in a very loving way. I also could sleep much better than lately.
I really recommend you to work with her, she is amazing! ”
Thank you so much Dipal, much love
By healing through your Hara Line you can Expect the following :
- Depression, moodiness, or brain fog
- Sexual dysfunction (men OR women)
- Abnormal pap results or mammograms
- Dripping sweat and constant hot flashes
- Constant pain due to muscle, bone, or ligament issues
- One seemingly unrelated health problem after another
- Gastrointestinal discomfort in the form of constipation, diarrhea, or both
This program provides healing and support for:
- Depression/Anxiety
- Anger/Grief
- Addictions
- Weak Immune System
- Brain Fog
- Reproductive Health
- Yeast/Bacteria
- Trauma
- Weight Loss
- Digestive Health
- Cysts/Fibroids/Polyps/Tumors
- Muscle/Bone/Ligaments Pain
- Anemia
- Cysts/Tumors/Cancer
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Heart & Circulatory Dysfunction
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Healthier Skin/Hair/Nails
- Autoimmune Disease
- Sciatica
- Varicose Veins
- Allergies/Asthma
- Eye Health
- Gallbladder health
- Prostate Health
- Osteoporosis
- Migraine/headaches
- Urinary/Bladder/Kidney Health
- Diabetes
- Thyroid Health
- Bladder Infections
- Abnormal Pap/Mammogram Results
- Teeth/Gum Health
- Arthritis
- Endometriosis
- Overactive bladder
- Respiratory/Lung Infections
- Hypertension/high blood pressure
This is Your chance to begin living your new life Right Now. Let’s get to the physical and spiritual root of your health problems by healing You and Your Mind, Body & Spirit
“Autoimmune Disease symptoms finally transformed”
” Dipal is an extremely talented and intuitive healer. I am dealing with an autoimmune disease and within our time together Dipal was able to align my major energy lines , clear my energy fields and rebalance my nervous system, limbic system, kidneys, adrenals, and pancreas. She also realigned my spine, adjusted the bones that attach my skull to my spine , and adjust my hip bones. Then she also removed a negative energy source that was draining my immune system at my Thymus. The best part was she was able to tell me where my problem areas before I even had a chance to tell her. She hit on every area I was having trouble with , without so much as word from me about it first. Dipal was also able to locate and remove a debilitating cord and vector from my tailbone area. I was not only able to feel the beautiful healing energies she sent me, but see in my third eye as well. It was a transformative experience.
I am feeling so much better. I have more energy, less pain , and more clarity in my mind than I’ve had in a while. The inflammation in my kidneys , adrenals, and pancreas feels like it’s getting better every day. It’s almost gone. My headaches are gone as well. I can move, and have more flexibility in my back too. A few muscles and joints are still sore, but more like after a chiropractor appointment after everything has been out back in place. One of the best parts though is my energy field still feels so much lighter (That was practically instantaneous) , and my emotions feel like my own again. I want the world to know just how powerful she is ! ”
“Relief From Stress and Attracting Calming Energies”
” Hi Dipal, I wanted to give you feedback on the MP3s. My issue was fatigue and severe tensions in the tongue/jaws. I was given the limbic and endocrine system MP3s. First of all, I have to say that just the intuitive gift you have to point me in this direction was wonderful. I had no idea that these systems were involved. At first I only played them from time to time, and only once at a time. I did not notice too much from that. But lately I’ve had lots of job stress, and I thought “what happens if I play them 24/7”? So I did. And I have to say that it feels quite nice to do that. I feel more relaxed, I feel less stress and I feel like the whole world around me calms down. It’s as if the energy affects me, I calm down and then I start to attract calmer things towards me instead of these constant “red alert” energies. I’m very curious to see what happens when I listen more and more. For now I’m happy to say that I feel calmer when I play them, what I would like in the future to see the results as more permanent also when I don’t play them. But one step at a time. ”
The Total Value of Package A is $1,275
During the Discovery Series only, This SPECIAL OFFER is available for only
Included in this package:
13 Guided Comprehensive Clearing & Healing MP3s |
2 High Energy Infused MP3s |
Also available in 2 payments of $52.50
The Total Value of Package B is $2,280
During the Discovery Series only, This SPECIAL OFFER is available for only
Included in this package:
13 Guided Comprehensive Clearing & Healing MP3s |
2 High Energy Infused MP3s |
Bonus Weight Loss MP3s |
3 MP3s of Group Coaching Calls |
Private Facebook Group support |
Also available in 2 payments of $97.00
The Total Value of Package C is $2,505
During the Discovery Series only, This SPECIAL OFFER is available for only
Included in this package:
13 Guided Comprehensive Clearing & Healing MP3s |
2 High Energy Infused MP3s |
Bonus Weight Loss MP3s |
3 MP3s of Group Coaching Calls |
Private Facebook Group support |
30 Min one-on-one Session |
Also available in 2 payments of $128.00
This program contains: 13 MP3s Guided Comprehensive Clearing & Healing plus 2 High Energy Infused MP3s
ITEM #1:
Energetic Spinal Adjustment – MP3
Align your spine so you can stand straight WITHOUT pain. This CAN be done remotely without time-consuming appointments. Just listen to this MP3 whenever you need an adjustment.
Your spine is your hardware to your body. If you have scoliosis, moved discs, pain in your neck, shoulders, back This MP3 will help to align your spine naturally.
Your spinal cord controls the health and function of every single cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Whether or not you are experiencing back pain, this remote adjustment is vital to your ongoing health and wellbeing!
“So Much Lighter After My Energetic Makeover”
” Dipal gave me an energetic make-over in less than an hour! She started out aligning my skeletal system, correcting picking up on an imbalance in my spine resulting from healing arthritis in my hips.
She gave my adrenals an energy bath, lifting my vitality and energy. She noticed that my energy did not seem to be flowing down my hips. Several hours later, I had the insight that I had a past life where both of my legs were amputated, and interestingly, that was repeated in a way in this life, when I had a hip replacement which involved cutting the top of my femur off.
At the end of our session, Dipal called in some Divine assistance and lifted some dense and old energies. It felt like I had an energetic “coat of chain mail” lifted from my body, leaving me so much lighter.
Our session ended with me giggling.
Give yourself the gift of working with Dipal! ”
Janet Doerr, The Intuitive Nutritionista, Medical Intuitive
“Decreased Pain, Increased Energy, and better Focus and Clarity!!”
” I found my healing with Dipal Shah to be a profound and powerful experience, one that can help you shift in a new positive directions. Dipal is a Medical Intuit with incredible insight and what seems like xray vision. She first addressed the mis-alignments in my spine, hips, and joints by releasing energy blockages and helped me ground more fully into my body. My left side was higher than my right, indicating I was half in my body and the other half wanting to leave it, kind of like, I just don’t want to be here. Amazingly, Dipal was able to guide me to places that needed to be healed, particularly places that I didn’t even mention, she worked on major organs, glands, the reproductive system, and while doing this, I felt intense energy moving in all areas that she was working on. Since then I have decreased pain, increased energy, with better focus and clarity. What I loved the most, is Dipal Shah’s fun loving personality, her energy is contagious in the best way possible, it makes healing all the more fun and pleasurable. Dipal I look forward to working with you further in the future. ”
Maria Giantsios
“Improved Hearing!!”
” I was lucky enough to with Dipal. Dipal is observing the body with her intuition. She surprised me by noticing that energy from my spine was spreading to my ears. And would you know this improved my hearing! My ears feel lighter and looser now. Next she dissolved a deeply upsetting emotional issue in my family. Gently and easily she disassembled generational pattern and installed mutual acceptance and harmony. After Dipal sent me the replay of the session I listened many times over. Each time I felt lighter and happier! Thank you very much Dipal and thank you Eram for connecting us with such amazing healers! ”
Arati Benveniste
“No More Eye Inflammation and a Happy Clear Mind!”
” I had my Backstage pass with Dipal Shah last October. Since then I have had 4 additional remote healing sessions with Dipal to heal both my physical and emotional issues. Dipal being both a Medical and Emotional Intuit is a gifted healer.
During her sessions Dipal addressed mis-alignments in my spine at the start of the session. She then worked on Inflammation in my neck muscle and eyes . I had a dull pain in my neck muscles always which is significantly better now. My eyes which used to get inflamed everyday. It is better now compared to what it was couple of months back–especially after having a dedicated session to address that! Being a Medical Intuit Dipal could find any issues with different organs in the body and clear any unwanted energy. She also helped in balancing energies in all my chakras to help improve my blood pressure.
Dipal cleared several chords with my past relationship and a vector that I had in my energy field and helped me ground my body. She knew the places to be healed without me mentioning . I could feel the energy flow in my body as she was healing. My mind seems to be clear than what it was before and I am more confident and feel healthy each passing day. Dipal also offered many suggestions for improvement in my overall well being and lifestyle changes.She is also very kind and makes you feel at ease. I would highly recommend her to everyone!! ”
ITEM #2:
Cardiovascular System – MP3
Cardiovascular disease is the most dangerous ailment on the rise. When you are scared or anxious it affects your breathing and your heart. Past traumas and grief can also be stored in the heart resulting in cardiovascular struggles. Whether or not you have apparent cardiovascular challenges, this MP3 will improve your entire heart health and well-being.
This MP3 will:
- Improve circulation in the body
- Remove Heart wall
- Regulate temperature
- Improve major artery function
- Increase oxygen levels within the heart
- Improve blood pressure/Hypertension
- Improve Cholesterol levels
- Balance pH levels
- Strengthen Heart muscle function
“No Longer Stopping Halfway when Climbing Stairs!”
” My energy level has increased (when I should feel exhausted) I can do activities with more ease, walking further without becoming breathless, climbing stairs without stopping halfway! These little things are priceless to me. ”
“Heart is Great! Everything is Normal!”
” I had a session with Dipal and we worked on many things. We worked on my heart and my thyroid along with the fatigue that I have been feeling. The dr. appointment went well. Nothing!! everything is normal!! I went for a stress test and my heart is great. I have been doing a lot of research on my thyroid issue feeling empowered! I felt good and felt this huge shift after my session. Felt so much more present. And cognitive! Something that I have not been feeling so strongly. I am also using the MP3 and I feel like it has helped me tremendously in my healing. Thank you Dipal ”
ITEM #3:
Digestive System – MP3
The body works together to turn food and liquids into the building blocks and fuel that the body needs. The body needs to break down foods so that it can eliminate food and toxins efficiently. When we are stuck with emotions the first thing we control is the digestive system. No matter where you are stuck this MP3 can heal your gut health.
This MP3 will:
- Strengthen the gallbladder
- Eliminate constipation & diarrhea
- Reset stomach acid levels
- Remove Inflammation
- Resolve IBS/IBD
- Strengthen your metabolism
- Heal diverticulitis
- Relieve indigestion symptoms
- Support your esophagitis health Remove Gas and Bloating
“Gallbladder Discomfort Gone!!”
” What a powerful healing session. I am truly amazed with what Dipal did with me in just one session. I was had gallbladder stones and was not able to digest fatty foods. If I did eat fatty foods, even a little bit, it would upset my stomach. When Dipal was working on me I could feel intense waves of heat flowing through my body. I saw and felt traumas from my ast and just heaviness in my chest. I had extreme flow of emotions and then a burning in my throat. Dipal was right on point with everything that was going on in my body, throat and chest. My body went through such a transformation and felt so many things clearing up for me. My gallbladder felt so good after the session. So much lighter and I am able to eat some fatty foods again. Thank you Dipal for you wonderful light!! ”
Annett Schneider
“Constipation Gone!!”
” I met Dipal at a meeting and I was really interested in her services. My daughter who was 2, had been suffering from constipation for a long time and I was giving her enemas at least 2 to 3 times a week. It was so hard for her and for me to watch her go through the pain of being constipated. I took her to Dipal a couple of weeks right after. Dipal was so comforting and worked with her in such a loving manner. I couldn’t believe how well she and Dipal connected. I spoke with Dipal a few months later because my little girl no longer is constipated!!! No more enemas! Thank you so much Dipal for everything. I am so happy you are a part of our lives. ”
Amanda, Dentist
“Cramping Gone!!”
” Recently I was set back with a stomach illness. My stomach was cramping really badly and it affected me for weeks. Luckily through a friend I was introduced to Dipal Shah. She was there to the rescue and the results were immediate my cramping went away completely. Dipal is firm yet clearly cares about my well-being and she enjoys what she is doing. She is extremely knowledgeable and I trust her to continue my health care needs and am excited to keep going. ”
David D.
“Eliminating Fear, Stress and Digestive Problems”
” I was blessed with a backstage pass with Dipal Shah. All I can say is Awesome! What a wonderful and genuine person. Our session was amazing, it was like talking with your best friend and there was such a calmness in the air. First, Dipal clean out our fields and then we started our journey together. I could feel shifts of energy moving all the time she was working on me. She cut cords from fear and stress and I felt immediate calmness and peace. She told me I was storing emotion in my heart & sinus areas causing a lot of my stress. She did some energy work and I could feel the stress leaving those areas. Dipal pull stress out from around my heart and it was a big energy release. She suggested that I ground myself daily to help keep me fully into my body. She said I seem to go in and out of my body a lot. But by staying grounded it would help me eliminate the fear of following my dreams. I had been having some gut problems and Dipal mention that she saw more bad bacteria in my gut than the good bacteria and that I might check with my doctor to see what he thought. Well, when I went in for my physical. She was correct. He thought it would be a good idea to go by the store and pick up something to help put good bacteria back in my gut and I feel great now. Dipal also worked on a couple of other health concerns I had and I could feel energy surrounding those areas and releasing it. I know those will be totally release later as I continue working with Dipal on them. Those might take a couple of more sessions to heal but I could feel the energy work and must say I was just truly amazed. ”
Bobby E.
“Digestive issues gone”
” Upon receiving my Digestive system MP3, I began using it nightly on a loop as a sleep tape straight away.I loved using this MP3 and falling asleep many nights listening to Dipal’s soft melodious voice…My digestion issues have most definitely improved and so have many other issues that I had. Bless you Dipal for this wonder-filled opportunity and for all the healing I received and will continue to receive. ”
ITEM #4:
Endocrine System – MP3
The endocrine system affects almost every organ and cell in the body. In general, the endocrine system is in charge of body processes. The foundations of the endocrine system are the hormones and glands. Your hormones impact nearly every aspect of your body’s growth, metabolism, sexual development, and function.
Allow this MP3 to enhance your body and your mood.
This MP3 will:
- Increase cellular metabolism
- Increase energy
- Balance blood nutrients
- RE-set your sugar levels
- Increase water and electrolytes
- Increase the body’s defenses against stress
- Balance hormones
- Strengthen the thyroid gland
- RE-set your hormones
ITEM #5:
Immune System Support – Silent MP3
The Immune system protects against disease or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the immune system identifies a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, and distinguishes them from the body’s own healthy tissue.
This MP3 will:
- Address environmental stressors upon your body
- Strengthen your immune system
- Strengthen your adrenal glands
- Eliminate bacteria, viruses, and parasites
- Fight Auto-immune Disease
- Regulate your hormones
- Help fight off infections quickly
“Impervious to Cold Season!”
” Hi Dipal, I am happy to tell you I didn’t catch a cold this Winter like usual ! Yay ! and it’s because of your immune system MP3 that I listen multiple times per day. The second one : respiratory system was longer /so I listen less but I felt a relief even if my symptoms of asthma remain, it made me realize all the emotional stress I still have related to asthma and sinus. ”
“Flu Completely Resolved!!”
” I was talking to Dipal about my son who had a horrible fever. I was afraid he was coming down with the flu. The pediatrician prescribed tamiflu. I was afraid he would be sick right before we went on a trip overseas for the next couple of days. I ran out to go get the tamiflu and spend a fortune because that stuff is not cheap. Dipal said she would work on him. When I got home half hour later he didn’t need the tamiflu and his flu was gone, no fever, no nothing. I couldn’t believe it!!! ”
ITEM #6:
Limbic System – MP3
The limbic system is primarily responsible for our emotional life and has a lot to do with the formation of memories. Forgetting things will no longer be an option when you have this energetic support in your collection.
This MP3 will:
- Undo Memory loss
- Control emotions like anger and fear
- Eliminate Brain fog
- Balance your hormones
- Regulate your levels of sexual satisfaction & desire
- Regulate levels of pain response
- Increase Motivation
- Regulate eating, hunger and thirst
“Memory Improvement and No More Allergies!”
” My issues that I was dealing with before Dipal’s MP3s were forgetfulness and constipation and food allergies. I listen to my Limbic system and Nervous system MP3s every day. After a week I began to notice improvement in my memory. Even though I still forget things at times it takes me much less time to remember what it was I forgot. I am so amazed and thankful. Additionally I have not had any major food allergies symptoms since December… ”
ITEM #7:
Lymphatic System – MP3
The lymphatic system is important for maintaining your body’s fluid balance. It also helps to transport fats within and through your body. The lymphatic system is a vital support to your immune system to fight infection as it carries toxins and waste outside of your body.
This MP3 will:
- Strengthen your immune system
- Release toxins & waste from your body
- Remove of lymphedema
- Strengthen cells against infection and cancer
- Reduce swelling of enlarged lymph nodes
- Support the eradication of lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes)
- Cleanse the lymph from major ducts in the body
- Cleanse bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms
- Cleanse blood
- Eliminate Upper Respiratory Infections
“Dipal Knew Everything About Me and My Experiences”
” Dipal, I am so pleased with the two MP3s. They are very good and have helped me tremendously! You gave me a heart meditation and a lymphatic system MP3. They are very beneficial!
I had a session with Dipal, and she is so amazing, there are no words! She knew everything about me and what I have experienced in this lifetime. If any of you can possibly get a session with her on March 6, please do so! You will be so glad you did! ”
” I am grateful to have received the Limbic system and Cardiovascular system MP3. The first shift that I noticed is a deeper comfort level fitting into and feeling comfortable in group situations. I grew up in a toxic, dysfunctional family, so feeling comfortable in groups of people has always been challenging to me. There has been a noticeable level of comfort and fitting in that seemed to be lacking before and I am sure it is due to a shift in my energies. I also noticed a general feeling of increased motivation. I have some depression and have had a difficult time completing tasks and feeling motivated. Since listening the the MP3s I have found myself completing more tasks and daily routines without any issues. Lastly, I felt a shift one day when I felt an increasing sense of calm and an inner knowing to stay present without worry or anxiety, and to let source lead. Just at that moment, someone came up to me and reminded me that a class was about to start at the gym and invited me to join. I ended up loving the class. I felt that it was a reminder to step out of my own way, to relax more and let the plans of the universe unfold. I am very grateful for the shifts and for the opportunity. Thank you very much Dipal and FHTJ ”
ITEM #8:
Nervous System – MP3
The nervous system is a complex collection of nerves and specialized cells known as neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body. It is essentially the body’s electrical wiring. When you provide your neurotransmitters the support they need, you will be resetting circuits, polarity, pressure, and communication systems to the entire body!
This MP3 will:
- Re-grow damaged tissue
- Reset Neurotransmitters
- Improve memory, attention, and brain fog
- Eliminate hyperactivity
- Eliminate anxiety, depression, and panic
- Balance right and left brain
- Stabilize your moods
- Eliminate headaches/migraines
- Eliminate restless leg syndrome
- Regulate sleep patterns
“Two Day Headache Gone in One Session!”
” Dipal was able to navigate through my energy field, not only pin pointing physical symptoms but gaining insight on the origin of where they started. Dipal immediately brought me back to the womb where the feeling of not being wanted and the feeling of not being safe in this physical body. These two themes have been my focus over the last few months. She was able to give me a sense of what this was creating physically in my body, (headaches, yeast) and helped me release belief systems around them. I started the session with a headache which I had for 2 days and the headache was gone at the end of session. I have had a sense that I was not fully a wanted pregnancy but allowing this to come up has >helped with my digestion and understanding how I take energy in and the process I do energetically which was affecting me on the physical level. I have since felt less bloated and grounded without having to use food as a grounding tool. Truly grateful for this clarity and new connection to my physical body. ”
Leslee Nelson, Infinite Energy Healer
“Depression Cured! I Found Reason to Live!”
” I was dealing with depression and anxiety for years. I have had multiple episodes where I just laid in bed and didn’t get out of the house for as long as I could. I didn’t enjoy social gatherings, and my relationship with my wife was also heading to disaster. I just didn’t enjoy life anymore.
Dipal, you have helped me not only to overcome my feelings of anxiety and depression, but you helped me understand the underlying cause of them. This information was an Ah-ha moment for me because I never related my current feeling to my past trauma. I have taken steps that you recommended and continue to get out of the house more and find myself more present with myself and my spouse. I am enjoying life more than I ever have and have found a reason to live!!! Thank you for such a great gift. ”
ITEM #9:
Reproductive System – Music only MP3
The reproductive system is the storehouse of past traumas and emotions. They can trigger UTI’s, bacterial infections, irregular periods and so much more. It is the source of our creativity and when when the energy cannot flow properly we cannot create the life of our dreams.
This MP3 will:
- Balance hormones (estrogen/progesterone/testosterone)
- Balance the major glands
- Balance the hypothalamus and major glands
- Eliminate endometriosis
- Strengthen desire and
- Eliminate erectile dysfunction
- Strengthen your prostate
- Increase fertility
- Eliminate polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Reset irregular periods
- Eliminate bacterial vaginosis
- Regenerate healthy cells in your uterus, cervix & pelvis
- Strengthening walls and muscles of the uterus
- Control heavy bleeding
- Eliminate menopause symptoms
- Eliminate perimenopause
- Release emotional congestion
- Clear trauma
- Eliminate hot flashes
- Eliminate mood swings
- Eliminate cramping
“Heavy bleeding and Menstrual Cramps Dissolved”
” I have had ongoing heavy bleeding and menstrual cramps. I thought it was normal and that it will one day just go away. I had been dealing with them for a while and had no idea what to do. I was not diagnosed with any problems in my uterus. I met Dipal and she recommended her Reproductive system MP3 to me. I have been using it consistently. The first time I used it within three days I saw a difference. I stopped using it one month and the second month the bleeding and cramping came back. I knew I had to continue listening to the MP3 so I did. Boy did it make a huge difference in my bleeding and cramping. Thank you so much Dipal for this MP3 it has saved my life. I thought I had to live with the pain and the discomfort every time I would get my period but after this MP3 I know I will never be in pain again. ”
Betty, Landscaping artist
“No More Consuming Prostate Pain!”
” I have had issues with prostate for a long time to where I get blockages and inflammation. The doctors keep prescribing antibiotics and don’t really know what the issue is. They say it is prostatitis. It is so painful and my mornings are consumed in the pain everyday. Dipal has helped me so much and my prostate is doing better. I no longer feel the pain I use to feel in the mornings and I am able to go to the bathroom without any problems. Thank you so much Dipal for all your help. ”
“Hot Flashes Gone and I Can Finally Sleep Again!!”
” I was having problems sleeping because of my menopause and the first time I got on the phone with Dipal my hot flashes completely went away. I continue to listen to the Hot Flashes MP3 and my body is getting better and better by the day. The deep sleep MP3 is like taking an Ambien. Thank you so much Dipal. ”
“Hot Flashes Gone and I Can Finally Sleep Again!!”
” The session was beautiful for many reasons mainly because you created a safe place, you are incredibly accurate, spot on with your readings and honed in on issues that I didn’t even know existed. During the session I felt tangible shifts. I felt extremely loved and supported. I really appreciated your, empathy, sympathy and kind words of advice and encouragement which I have implemented to my benefit.
After the clearing I told my beloved about the incident of molestation when I was 8, after that it brought us closer and we connected not only emotionally but physically as well. I am no longer scared and ashamed of him touching me. And I get great pleasure from our intimate interactions and look forward to our beautiful relationship improving in all aspects. I really enjoy our intimacy and am not afraid of expressing my sensual side. He met my parents and we want to progress to marriage. I thought that I had resolved this issue as I had done clearings on this. You handled it with such compassion and kindness and I look forward to a new life devoid of all this heaviness.
Regarding my irregular prolonged period, usually after my period I have some intermittent spotting. This time there was no such bleeding only one afternoon where there was a light brown discharge with some minor pain. But it was a once off.
After the session over the days I could still feel the energy moving. I feel much more in my body and so happy albeit the temporary chaos regarding my future career path. This I would attribute to the session.
I am also inspired to not be so harsh on my body and myself and give it the necessary love and care to optimum health, fitness and vibrancy.
I am exceedingly grateful for the glorious session and subsequent results as a consequence of your gift. You are truly gifted and may you continue to be blessed with an abundance of health, joy and love.
I am so grateful. ”
ITEM #10:
Urinary System – MP3
Your urinary system is also known as the renal system. It produces, stores and eliminates urine, the fluid waste excreted by the kidneys. When it is not functioning at 100% it can cause incontinence, overactive bladder, UTIs, cystitis, stones, cancer and other infections. The bladder is very sensitive because its job is to release all the toxins out of the body and needs regular support.
This MP3 will:
- Eliminate kidney stones
- Strengthen kidney function
- Cleanse bile and bile ducts
- Eliminate bladder infections
- Eliminate urinary infections
- Balance water and chemicals ratios
- Eliminate incontinence
- Eliminate interstitial cystitis
- Bring back bladder elasticity
- Reduce urgency and frequency
“Kidney stone released”
Shania Garner –
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