Derek Halpern – Yes Engines – Assimilation
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For the first time ever, I will reveal how I used Yes Engines to build a business from scratch to 7 figures in less than 3 years.
Best part: You can replace those old school, high-pressure sales tactics that push honest, affluent customers away.
And learn the 3-step selling system that:
Shows you how to attract the right people
Gives you the exact techniques to close the sale
And most important, provides you with a sales strategy you can scale when the time is right.
If you sell information products, coaching, and other services, youll see how simple it is to learn? even if you havent started selling anything yet? even if you currently HATE selling? even if youre selling 0.99 ebooks or 10,000 consulting packages.
Why I Hate Traditional Product Launches, Sales Funnels, and Other Gimmicks
Hi, Im Derek Halpern, the founder of Social Triggers. Im the guy one writer at Forbes called an expert on consumer psychology and one Inc. writer declared an expert marketer.
Thats why youll be surprised that, though I now believe selling is the secret to building a five, six, or seven figure business?
I used to DESPISE selling.
You see, I started my business because I wanted to help people. I didnt feel right asking them for money. It just made things weird.
And when I saw how other people sold their products, I felt like I needed to take a shower.
Especially when it came to product launches, sales funnels, and other persuasion gimmicks.
It didnt feel right.
And, I always felt like those systems were GREAT for people who already built a large email list. What if people were starting from scratch? What could THEY do?
So I began researching other ways to sell online?
And I stumbled on other unscrupulous marketers and salesman teaching what they knew.
Manipulation? Mind control? BLEAH
It was horrifying. These other teachers would tell their students to: control the mind of your prospects, ethically brainwash, and a perfectly legal way to?
Seriously? People TAUGHT THIS?
Or how about those people who say they share good content in email, but for whatever reason, you never see any of that content. Instead, all you see is sales pitch after sales pitch after sales pitch?
If you already had an aversion to selling, and you stumble on tactics like that, youll NEVER do it.
And for good reason. You avoided these scammy tactics because you care about your customers.
Plus, Theyre Not Working As Well As They Used To?
Stepping off the soap box a second, the truth is, those other methods for launching products and services werent working as well as they used to work?
Because I believe people got tired of them, and became keen to their tricks.
And when Id hear other people say things like, We need to send more emails now to make the same amount of money we used to make, that was iron-clad proof to me that things just werent as rosy as they were.
So, I had a decision to make?
On the one hand, I didnt want to use scammy tactics.
On the other hand, I knew I needed to learn how to sell.
Why did I know this?
And it made NO sense.
They Said The Same 3 Things Over and Over (And Thats Why I Knew It Was My Fault)
People would tell me how thankful they are, and how theyd like to buy something from me, but when Id send them a link, theyd disappear and Id never hear from them again.
Then, on the off chance people provided feedback, theyd say things like:
I would buy, but I dont have enough money right now.
Youre too expensive.
Im not sure I need this right now, maybe Ill need it in a few months.
Sound familiar?
At first, I blamed them. Id laugh with my friends and say, They just dont understand. Theyre only hurting themselves.
And my friends would agree, Yea, they werent right for you anyway!
But deep down I knew this wasnt true.
I knew these people could benefit from what I was selling right now. I knew they could afford it, especially since the value I provided made it a no brainer.
And thats when I uncovered the truth about selling: there were 5 big myths, and they just werent true.
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Just as described | Derek Halpern – Yes Engines