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It is a method of online trading that is applicable to the market of foreign currencies, the so-called Forex, the biggest financial market in the world.
As with surfing, in order to calculate the waves of prices, you need control, not strain. The only difference is that, with trading, it is not your muscles that are controlled; rather, it is your mind.
What is particular about the SurfingThePips™ method is that the trader’s psychological well-being comes first.
What does happiness have to do with trading?
The reason why the SurfingThePips™ method is successful is that its approach is revolutionary: turning the two factors, happiness and money, on their heads is of vital importance.
All of people’s economic problems derive from the lack of this “switch”: it is not true that money makes you happy, but it is happiness that produces money.
That is why psychological well-being is the foundation of the method, and it dominates all of its rules.
What does becoming a real trader mean?
- It means no longer working for money and instead starting to make money works for you
- It means expanding your financial culture and not making do with ridiculous investments such as BOT’s or investment funds
- It means not being slaves to financial consultants and avoiding being hoodwinked by banks.
How much you earn after the course
Online trading is one of the best discoveries of our time.
It allows you to earn money from home, trading wherever and whenever you like. Trading is also the least taxed “profession” in the world, which is not a bad thing.
The SurfingThePips™ project has been generating shared profit non-stop since 2010. We are one of few sites worldwide that provides trading training and that is not afraid of sharing its efficiency on a daily basis via our operative Forex signals.
Lots of our students are successful. Our students include:
- – Winners of international competitions
- – Traders of millionaire hedge funds
- – “Simple” part time traders who were able to reach financial freedom within a few months
- – Ordinary people who learnt to build an extra monthly income for themselves which is constant and low-risk
How much time I will need to spend on trading
The beauty about the SurfingThePips™ method is its “modularity”. This means that it can be totally adapted to various types of traders’ needs. The method is applicable by whoever wants to make trading their main career, and by whoever merely wants to supplement their income to increase the money that they make from their main career.
You will discover everything that I have learnt about financial markets in 10 years and more: the same rules and the same secret graphic patterns as I use daily to operate in my private hedge fund. Do not expect a usual course that has been created by copy-and-pasting from other re-chewed resources and then well-packed: everything is 100% original and has never been seen before.
You will find out what the 5 instruments that I use are, as well as what the 7 essential steps you must follow every time you want to enter the market are.
The trading course SurfingThePips™ is suitable for various sorts of traders:
People who have never done any trading before
– Together with the “Free Introductory Video Course” and our “Technical Analysis Course’, the SurfingThePips™ course will provide students with all of the necessary instruments for operating and making a profit immediately after the end of online lessons.
For people who have only just started
– The SurfingThePips™ course will teach a practical, precise method that has proven to be successful and that can be applied immediately. It does not teach any theory, but it teaches taught practise via a real detailed programme in which you are assisted, step-by step, with obtaining success.
For expert traders
– The SurfingThePips™ method has always proven to be an excellent tool, even for people who have been dabbling in this world for years. There are lots of traders who are experienced, yet who have been influenced by the principles of our Forex Course to improve their strategies and make them “stress-free”.
Please kindly contact us if you need proof of item.
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Colby Roman –
Quick shipping A+. good product! | DAVIDE FRANCESCHINI – SURFING THE PIPS