David Siteman Garland – Create Awesome Webinars – Available Now !!!
Sale Page: createawesomewebinars.com
Value: 997
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Here is what you will learn inside of Create Awesome Webinars (Step-by-freakin-step):
Module1 – The Foundation: The Perfect Webinar Topic & Title
Setting your webinar goal
How to figure out the PERFECT title for your webinar
Proven copy-and-paste formula so you have a sexy, high-converting title.
Module2 – Setting It All Up (Get Your Pages Done, Yo!)
Setting up your webinar & first email to registrants
Rocking your registration page (and what to include on the page to maximize registrations)
Your thank you page (and a little trick you will thank me for
Module3 – Blowing Up Registrations Like Woah
How early to start promoting your webinar to maximize registrations
The email ramp up method
The exact FB ads strategy for webinars (taught by my personal FB ads all star)
Module4 – Get Em To Show Up
How to double to your show up rate
The RECC formula to make sure people are changing their schedules to attend your webinar live
The trickiest question you will receive and how to answer it
Module5 – The Most Kick-Butt Webinar Blueprint Ever
7-step PROVEN format to create your presentation so you can educate and sell like a rockstar (without being sleazy).
Exactly how to structure your presentation
Fill-In-The-Blank Slides
Module6 – The PITCH!
Where to send people during your pitch to maximize sales (this has changed!)
How to pitch & make an offer.even if you dont have a product yet
The LAST THING you want to say on your webinar before you sign off (some secret sauce)
Module7 – Delivering Your Webinar Like A Rockstar
Webinar Night Before & Game Day Checklist
LIVE Demo!
Handling Q&A (and all the little details)
Module8 – The Follow Up
Exact follow-up formula to maximize sales
The last day bonus method
Post-webinar checklist (put it to bed, baby!)
How about some yummy bonuses to make this all even easier + some advanced moves once you have webinars mastered? (um, yes of course you want these bonuses)
– 1 BONUS: 7-Figure Webinar Swipe Files (my email sequences, fill-in-the-blanks and more)Swipe city! This single webinar email sequence has generated over 7-figures in sales. Complete copies of the entire email campaign so you can model it.
– 2 BONUS: JV webinars. How to be an epic host and also how to create amazing partnershipsWant other people to promote your products and programs? Welcome to the wonderful world of joint venture webinars. In this bonus, I walk you through exactly how to create amazing JV webinars (both for your products and hosting webinars for other peoples products and programs).
– 3 BONUS: Not My First Rodeo FAQS: Best day for a webinar? How many sales is Good? How often should I do webinars?Think of this as the magical answer to all of your questions. A constantly updated Q&A bank. Ive been doing webinars for years and know the key questions that might come up. The answers are in this bonus.
– 4 BONUS: Private Create Awesome Webinars Facebook CommunityNo need to go at it alone! The Create Awesome Webinars Facebook Community is JUST for Create Awesome Webinars students. Networking, support, feedback and more. You will get exclusive access with your enrollment.
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