David Crow – The Advanced Aromatherapy Training | Instant Download !
David Crow – The Advanced Aromatherapy Training
Are you ready to discover how to use essential oils to enhance your immune system, cultivate more life force, dispel inflammation and relax your body and mind?
Discover practical, time-tested healing methods for using essential oils to restore your energy, increase your mental focus, foster optimal wellness and advance spiritually.
The use of aromatic compounds for healing is an ancient art AND science — stretching far back into the history of India, Egypt and the Americas.
Traditional practitioners used aromatherapy for a simple reason: It works.
The way it worked was described according to the principles and concepts of traditional medical systems…
Now, modern science is helping to bridge the gap from traditional knowledge, showing that specific aromatics can affect our central nervous system, our endocrine system, our musculoskeletal system, our immune system and more.
There is also now solid research that shows that aromatic compounds trigger our neurochemistry in specific ways, which then affects how our whole body relates to stressors.
And, if we look beyond the biological science of aromatics, we discover that they have a profound impact on our subtle bodies and energy systems. There’s a reason that frankincense was highly valued in ancient temples — modern research shows that it can help create heightened states of awareness and unitive states of consciousness.
So whether you are aiming to support your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual wellbeing, aromatherapy has an important role to play.
Simply put, essential oils offer one of the easiest ways to get you on the path to optimal health and wellbeing.
As you become more skilled in working with aromatherapy, you can start to diagnose HOW you are out of balance and apply specific, non-invasive essential oil remedies that revitalize you and restore your balance and natural health.
You discover how to use essential oils more effectively to treat your whole system as well as specific conditions.
This is true whether you’re talking about dental health, skin care, digestive issues, respiratory problems or emotional instability.
A Breakthrough in Healing on the Subtle Levels
In the exciting online program, The Aromatherapy Advanced Training, you have the chance to learn from David Crow, one of the most respected botanical medicine pioneers in the world, who will teach you how to approach healing safely and effectively with essential oils.
You’ll discover what’s important for different constitutional types (using both the Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems) as well as how to receive the most benefit from a wide range of essential oils, both common and relatively unknown.
You’ll understand how to improve your concentration and memory, ground and calm yourself, heal your circulatory system, treat skin conditions, access higher consciousness and much more.
You’ll also discover how to reduce stress and promote deep and restorative sleep.
You’ll learn about the safe uses of oils topically and in diffuser applications as well as how to use aromatic baths, medicated oils, steam treatments and other aromatic therapies.
This advanced training will also take you to a much deeper, richer and multi-faceted understanding of medicinal botanicals. In the modern West, we’ve been raised to think of plants as objects that exist chiefly for our pleasure and consumption. We use them to nourish our bodies and beautify our gardens and homes.
The truth is that plants, and the essential oils we derive from them, are so much more than that. They can help you evolve on many levels…
They can detoxify your body, purify your mind, rebalance your emotions and reboot your energy.
They can help you heal disease and expand your vision.
Plants can also reveal to us an entirely different relationship with the natural world.
As you learn to open to the deeper blessings of plants through the wise use of essential oils, you can receive more of their healing and medicinal powers and put yourself on a path to higher consciousness.
Ancient seers, mystics and healers discovered many hidden aspects of the plant kingdom and passed down that knowledge in different healing lineages. Now, in David’s 5-month program, you can harvest the best of multiple healing lineages to create a new, expansive and natural approach to healing for your health and wholeness.
A New Paradigm of Relating to Essential Oils
Rather than sifting through and distilling an endless array of information on your own, you can take this 5-month virtual journey with a master guide who has dedicated his life to exploring, classifying and documenting the practical, medical, psychological and spiritual powers of essential oils and how to safely use them.
Floracopeia founder David Crow, LAc is one of today’s greatest synthesizers of the vast knowledge contained within the plant kingdom. He not only has assimilated the research, he’s spent decades immersed in the ancient healing arts. He can guide you through the hype and misinformation common in this field.
David has journeyed deep into the Ayurvedic tradition as well as the Chinese tradition and studied with masters the world over.
He’s deeply trained in spiritual practices as well as healing traditions, so he shows you not just what to take but how to have a wholly new relationship with essential oils derived from plants.
A Cornucopia of Practical Healing Wisdom
In The Aromatherapy Advanced Training, David has synthesized proven techniques, tips and strategies for accessing the profound healing, restorative, medicinal and spiritual powers of essential oils in 18 information-rich modules.
With all the poor-quality information about essential oils floating around, many people have had sub-optimal experiences with aromatherapy. David will help clear away the misconceptions and show you safe, non-invasive and effective ways to use essential oils to balance your body, harmonize your environment and optimize your wellbeing.
He’ll explain the critical role essential oils can play in purification and detoxification of the body and mind.
He’ll escort you across the threshold of an enthralling new world that empowers effective healing and nourishment of your body, mind and soul — and those of your loved ones.
You’ll never look at essential oils the same way again. When you choose to take this journey with David, you’ll gain a profound understanding that links biology, ecology and spirituality with a felt sense of connection with all of life.
In every class, you’ll gain important information about essential oils that can enhance your physical and emotional wellbeing. Ultimately, you’ll see that each and every plant, herb and flower can open a pathway into a deeper relationship with your body, mind and soul — and thus serve as a portal to personal transformation.
By the end of the journey, you’ll have a solid foundation for a lifetime of safe use of essential oils.
During this 5-month program, you’ll discover:
- The nature of essential oils according to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine
- How to perceive the energies and elements of essential oils using “contemplative aromatherapy”
- The complex issues of quality control in the essential oil industry
- The differences between medical and non-medical aromatherapy
- Myths and fraudulent claims about essential oils
- How to use essential oils and aromatherapy for treating specific health conditions, including respiratory, digestive, hormonal, neurological and musculoskeletal
- How to combine important herbs with aromatherapy treatments for enhanced effects
- How to use aromatherapy for special needs including children, during pregnancy and for the elderly
- Essential oils and aromatherapy for women’s health concerns
- The benefits of aromatherapy for enhancing memory, concentration and cognitive functions
- Aromatherapy for pain and inflammation
- Essential oils for reducing stress and improving sleep
This program is appropriate for anyone intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of botanical medicine as well as professionals in any discipline who work with essential oils.
You’ll benefit from David’s more than 30 years of studying the healing powers of plants in various cultures with many gifted teachers — from the shamanic traditions of the Amazon to the alchemical mysteries of the Himalayas to the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
We’re confident you will find this unique offering deeply enriching and practical.
What You’ll Discover in These 5 Months
Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.
In this 5-month transformational intensive, David will guide you through the skills and competencies you’ll need to develop an in-depth understanding of the therapeutic uses of essential oils. You’ll explore the botany, history, safe uses and applications of essential oils through the lens of Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, and modern chemistry.
Each weekly, contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles for therapeutic applications of essential oils for specific conditions and issues.
Please note that course lectures are pre-recorded followed by David leading LIVE Q&A sessions to address your questions directly.
Session 1: The Nature of Essential Oils (June 28)
Aromatic plants produce essential oils for their own biological purposes, yet they have great benefits when we use them for our own health. By understanding the cosmological elements and energies that are concentrated in plants, we can learn to safely use their oils for corresponding purposes in the human body.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Why plants produce essential oils, and what that means to human health
- Extracting and distilling methods
- Essential oils as the prana (life force) of plants and its relationship to healing
- The solar and lunar energies of essential oils and their therapeutic applications
- Essential oils and the five elements according to Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine
- How to directly perceive the energies, elements and therapeutic properties of essential oils
Session 2: An Overview of Aromatherapy (July 5)
Although the use of aromatic plants as healing remedies is ancient, the use of essential oils to enhance our wellbeing is a relatively modern development. Because of their extremely concentrated nature, essential oils must be used with a high level of knowledge and caution to avoid causing adverse reactions; when used safely, aromatherapy can support health and wellness in numerous important ways.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The differences between medical and non-medical aromatherapy
- Quality control issues in the essential oil industry
- Myths and fraudulent claims about essential oils
- Toxicology and adverse reactions to essential oils
- The differences between essential oils and other forms of herbal medicine
- Safe and unsafe uses of essential oils
- Carrier oils and aromatic waters
Session 3: Therapeutic Categories of Essential Oils (July 12)
Because many essential oils are from similar plant species and have similar chemistry, they can be classified into broad categories of therapeutic functions. By organizing the oils into these groups, we can learn and remember a large number oils quickly and easily.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The healing effects of medicinal and exotic flowers
- Sacred woods and precious resins
- The dangers and powers of spice oils
- The respiratory and mental benefits of conifer and eucalyptus oils
- Citrus oils for uplifting moods
- Essential oils with unique antimicrobial powers
- Chemotypes and ecotypes of essential oils
Sessions 4 & 5: Aromatherapy for the Respiratory System (July 19 & 26)
Aromatic plants have been used since antiquity for treating conditions of the lungs and counteracting airborne pathogens. Today, aromatherapy is well known for its highly beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Because of their decongestant, expectorant, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory powers, many essential oils are the first line of treatment for common health challenges.
In this 2-session module, you’ll discover:
- Contagion and the antimicrobial powers of essential oils
- The historical use of aromatic plants for epidemics
- In vitro and in vivo research on the antimicrobial effects of essential oils
- How to use essential oils according to Ayurvedic and Chinese principles for treating respiratory conditions
- The therapeutic categories of essential oils for respiratory health
- Aromatherapy for immune enhancement
- Major chemical compounds in essential oils responsible for respiratory benefits
- Aromatherapy for the treatment of colds and flus, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma and allergies
- Aromatherapy for smoking cessation and nicotine withdrawal
- Specific methods of applying essential oils for respiratory conditions
- How to combine essential oils and herbal medicine for the treatment of respiratory conditions
Sessions 6 & 7: Essential Oils & the Digestive System (August 9 & 16)
Aromatic herbs and spices are some of the best and safest treatments for digestive problems, but the internal use of essential oils from those plants is extremely dangerous. Knowing how to use highly diluted preparations of oils, or preferably, the herb in place of its essential oil, is one of the most important lessons for an aromatherapist.
In this 2-session module, you’ll discover:
- How to use essential oils according to Ayurvedic and Chinese principles for treating digestive disturbances
- Dangers of internal consumption of essential oils
- Therapeutic categories of essential oils and aromatic plants for digestive health
- Aromatic herbs and preparations for food allergies, IBS, constipation, anorexia, indigestion, gas and bloating and other digestive problems
- How to combine essential oils and herbal medicine for the treatment of digestive conditions
- An understanding of the complexities of diagnosing and treating parasites
- Essential oils and aromatic preparations for dental and oral health
Session 8: Aromatic Treatments for the Nervous System (August 23)
Inhaling the fragrance of essential oils has a direct influence on the limbic system of the brain, and is therefore beneficial for a wide range of emotional, mental and cognitive functions. When used in conjunction with herbal medicine, these effects can be enhanced with excellent therapeutic results.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Essential oils for concentration, memory and cognitive function
- Neuro-degeneration and chemosensory disorders
- How to use fragrance to restore olfactory function
- How to combine essential oils and herbal medicine for the treatment of headaches and migraines
- Essential oils and aromatic preparations for shingles, post-herpetic pain and nerve inflammation
Session 9: Essential Oils for the Musculoskeletal System (August 30)
Aromatic plants have a long history of use in medicinal preparations for pain, injuries and inflammation. Modern research is now confirming the effects of the aromatic compounds from these plants. When used in simple, but safe, preparations, essential oils can be highly therapeutic either as a primary or a complementary treatment.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Essential oils and aromatic preparations for sprains, strains and soft tissue injuries
- How to combine essential oils and herbal medicine for autoimmune inflammation, degenerative joint problems and fibromyalgia
- Aromatic preparations for protecting the joints and muscles
Sessions 10 & 11: Essential Oils for Women’s Health (September 13 & 20)
Aromatherapy can have numerous benefits for women’s health and wellbeing, especially when combined with the support of herbal medicines. Essential oils, from flowers especially, are known to have a unique biological relationship with female hormonal balance and biorhythms.
In this 2-session module, you’ll discover:
- The unique biological relationship between flowers and women’s health
- Essential oils and aromatic preparations for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, PMS, menopausal symptoms and other gynecological conditions
- Regulation or disruption of glandular functions with essential oils
- How to combine essential oils and herbal medicine for women’s health concerns
- Botanical perfumes and romantic moods
Sessions 12 & 13: Aromatherapy for Emotional Wellbeing (September 27 & October 11)
Because of the direct links between fragrance, the limbic system, moods and mental states, aromatherapy is a highly effective treatment for emotional wellbeing, either alone or in conjunction with other healing modalities. Understanding how these oils work, according to traditional Asian medical concepts, and knowing which oils are consistently the most psychoactive, gives the aromatherapist excellent tools for supporting emotional and mental healing.
In this 2-session module, you’ll discover:
- The links between fragrance, consciousness and the limbic system
- The effects of botanical aromas on Shen (spirit) according to Chinese medicine
- Aromatherapy for sleep, dreams and mental purification
- Aromatherapy treatments for depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder and grief
- Essential oils with renowned anxiolytic and calmative powers
- Unique psychoactive oils and aromatic preparations
- How to combine essential oils and herbal medicine for emotional balance and wellbeing
Session 14: Aromatherapy for Meditation & Spiritual Practices (October 18)
The use of aromatic plants in ritual and ceremony is an extremely ancient practice, yet is still found in every spiritual and religious tradition around the world. The essential oil compounds released by burning sacred woods and resins have a pronounced effect on consciousness, purify the atmosphere of microbial toxins, and often produce significant spiritual, and even magical, benefits.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The history of the sacred botanical aromatics
- Traditional and modern methods of using woods, resins, and botanical incenses
- Aromatic rituals and ceremonies for removing obstacles and manifesting intentions
- The psychoactive compounds found in sacred scents, and their unique effects on consciousness
- The purifying effects of sacred scents: antimicrobial, mental and spiritual
Session 15: Essential Oil Uses for Pregnancy, Children & the Elderly (October 25)
The extremely concentrated nature of essential oils necessitates that they be used with caution and in special preparations for treatment of sensitive people, including pregnant women, children and the elderly. When the correct species of oils are used in correct dilutions, aromatherapy can be safe and effective for these people, and a very beneficial modality for numerous health challenges.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Safe practices of aromatherapy during pregnancy
- The benefits and challenges of using essential oils for the elderly
- Simple and safe aromatic treatments for common pediatric problems
- Aromatherapy and herbs for ADHD and learning disabilities in children
- Essential oils and aromatic treatments to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Session 16: Combining Essential Oils & Aromatherapy With Allopathic Treatments (November 8)
Large numbers of people use prescription medications for complex health challenges, but would like to incorporate natural treatments. By understanding the potential problems of herb/drug interactions, essential oils and aromatherapy can be safely used with great benefits for reducing many symptoms that allopathic medicine does not treat effectively.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Herb/drug interactions with essential oils
- Estrogenic and estrogen-like effects of essential oils
- The benefits of aromatherapy during chemotherapy and radiation treatments
- Aromatic plants and essential oils for post-antibiotic recovery of digestive and respiratory health
Session 17: Essential Oils for Skin Care (November 15)
Like all other aspects of aromatherapy, essential oils can be either beneficial or problematic when used for skin care. Some specific species of oils are renowned for their skin healing powers, and when used appropriately can produce excellent results even for sensitive people.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Compatibility and incompatibility of essential oils with skin
- Essential oils and aromatic preparations for skin conditions such as acne and eczema
- Important oils and preparations for wound healing and scar tissue
- Essential oils and aromatic preparations for fungal infections
Session 18: Rare & Unusual Essential Oils & Aromatics (November 29)
Modern aromatherapy is based on the use of a relatively small number of well-known essential oils, yet a larger number of lesser-known oils are available. Even though they are not used as extensively, we can still find enough information from various sources to safely incorporate these unique oils into our aromatic pharmacopeia.
In this last module, you’ll discover:
- Unusual essential oils known in Corsican aromatherapy, such as bupleurum, samphire and lentisque
- The potential benefits of emerging new essential oils, such as moena
- Rare species of common oils such as eucalyptus
- Rare and precious floral extracts such as gardenia, tuberose and lilies
The Aromatherapy Advanced Training Bonus Collection
In addition to David’s transformative 5-month online training, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonuses are being offered to complement what you’ll learn in the course and deepen your understanding and practice.
Corsican Helichrysum: The New Gold Rush
Audio Recording From David Crow
The essential oil of Helichrysum italicum has emerged on the world market as one of the most therapeutically important and economically valuable oils. Its transformation from a relatively obscure flower to a precious commodity has brought about numerous ecological, political and economic challenges for those who cultivate, harvest and distill the oil.
This presentation will cover:
- How immortelle became famous
- The complex interrelationships of tourism, industry, traditional livelihoods and the disappearance of wild plants
- Therapeutic differences of wild versus cultivated varieties, ecotypes, and chemotypes
- Cultivation, harvesting and distillation methods
- Unique spiritual characteristics of immortelle oil
Plants that Heal
Ebook by David Crow
In this collection of essays by David Crow, you’ll deepen your discovery of the healing powers of plants. Essay titles include Roses, The People’s Pharmacy, Stimulants, Dental Health, Cosmic Chemistry, The Aromatic Journey of Prana, Fragrance and Consciousness, Frankincense and Myrrh, Essential Oils and the Fifteen Subdoshas, Medicines For The Earth and many more.
Sacred Smoke
Ebook From David Crow
Sacred Smoke is an ethnobotanical adventure story of lives transformed by the inexplicable power of plant intelligence. The book includes beautiful photos as well as online resources for readers to continue the adventure with Palo Santo in their own lives. 190-page ebook edition.
20% Discount From Floracopeia Store
Including the Aromatherapy Student Tester Kit
As part of your participation in the course, you’ll receive a 20% savings on any purchases you’d like to make from David’s Floracopeia online store. Your bonus also includes an additional discount on the Aromatherapy Student Tester Kit. Immerse yourself in the experience of how essential oils smell when they’re expressing their full potential. Floracopeia’s oils are among the finest in the world and are excellent for use in training.
(Note: no purchase is required for the course. In addition, it is not required to use Floracopeia oils. You may use whatever oils you’d like to use for your training.)
What Graduates of David Crow’s Courses Are Saying…
Even though I have taken other courses with David, each one of them gave me more confidence and deeper knowledge about this matter. I does not matter if you are a professional healer or not, you can use all his expertise in your daily life, with family, friends and yourself.
— Anonymous, Montevideo, Uruguay
David Crow is of the highest level of knowledge and ethical practices involving essential oils. His course work is well organized and his speaking style is clear and articulate. He is a fount of knowledge.
— Elizabeth Bergan, Albany, New York
David’s depth of knowledge and wisdom is second to none. Because of this he is able to impart that knowledge in a totally accessible way. Each course he does including this one is incredibly inspiring and filled with practical and in-depth information which we can use in our lives now and for as long as we are here.
— Pamela, Waiheke Island Auckland, New Zealand
In addition to the amazing wealth of material that was presented, I am extremely grateful that I was able to complete the course through the recordings and transcripts. Kudos to The Shift Network for making that possible. Thank you.
— Karen, San Mateo, California
I have benefited greatly from this course as I was very apprehensive about using essential oils. I loved learning all the beneficial health aspects and ways of utilizing applications safely alongside potential side-effects with certain health issues and medications. Thank you David Crow and Shift Network for offering this class.
— Anonymous
The information we received in this course was so fundamentally important that I think it should be given to every human being on the planet. It is what should be being taught to our children in schools. If we understood this information we would never have a climate change problem.
— Wendy, New Zealand
Pure inspiration! It was food for the soul something that I obviously needed right at this time. I feel so much more awakened to the interdependence of all things through experience. David Crow is a true gift. Great to have the recordings available too so I could listen when it suited.
— Fiona, Australia
As a gardener and herbalist I am deeply touched and renewed from the experience of this course. The sharing of the healing Wisdom of the Kingdom of nature as articulated in this course kindled warmth of heart, hope and peace in me.
— Monique, Sebastopol, California
This course affirmed, reaffirmed and taught me new things that I believe are essential to living well on the planet and working intimately with life. I am a therapist working with many people, and I found myself bringing the living, abundant, wisdom of plants into my work… often. Everyone LOVED it!
— Lisa Hartwick, MA (Psych) RCC, British Columbia, Canada
A great subject matter presented in an easy to understand format. I would recommend this course to anyone who has interest in botanicals and their healing powers.
— Cindi, Canada
Join the Global Community
The Aromatherapy Advanced Training not only offers some of the most advanced online teachings currently available, it also offers a thriving global community of support.
Join your fellow students and practitioners from across the world in the interactive conference calls or in our online community to support and learn from each other while you learn to integrate advanced aromatherapy practices into your life.
This international community is also at the leading edge of a global movement of people who are committed to manifesting a better world for all beings. This emerging planetary movement is rooted in an open heart, and stands for the principles of mutual support, cooperation, harmony and reverence for all of life.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Eighteen 90-minute Class Sessions With David Crow
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored and learn from botanical medicine pioneer David Crow — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to strengthen your relationship with the natural world. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 5:00pm Pacific. These sessions are pre-recorded lectures followed by David leading LIVE Q&A sessions to answer your questions.
Eighteen Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.
Eighteen PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Eighteen 30-minute Interactive Group Practice Sessions
With live class attendance, there will be a 30-minute optional interactive practice session directly following each class. You’ll be placed in an intimate group with several other participants on the conference call to interact, share and do additional practices to help further integrate the weekly lessons. If you’re unable to attend the calls live, the Online Community group allows you to connect with each other to find alternative times to interact.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
Online Community
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about deepening practices, interact with your fellow students, and get access to additional resources to take your exploration to an even deeper level.
The Aromatherapy Advanced Training Bonus Collection
- Corsican Helichrysum: The New Gold Rush
Audio Recording From David Crow
- Plants that Heal
Ebook by David Crow
- Sacred Smoke
Ebook From David Crow
- 20% Discount From Floracopeia Store
Including the Aromatherapy Student Tester Kit
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Aromatherapy Advanced Training Virtual Program
We feel honored that David Crow has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive, online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a skilled and masterful herbalist and botanical medicine expert.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll also benefit from David’s incredible teachings and practices, from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you’re serious about deepening your knowledge about the therapeutic uses of essential oils and living a more balanced, healthy and vital life, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
More Praise for David Crow…
This course has heightened my awareness of plant life of all kinds as beings and presence. My relationship and awareness, even with my own garden has changed significantly in a way that is intensely spiritual and (though the words aren’t quite right) awe-inspiring. This has been one of the most profound and consciousness-expanding courses I have ever taken.
— Beverly Kune, Santa Fe, New Mexico
This course added a new dimension to my already deep reverence for the healing ability of plants. I now view the plant’s gifts from a cosmic perspective. Their union of sun and moon and all the elements brought into our beings. Our vitality and consciousness grow. And that benefits the planet. Thank you David.
— Carly West, Tisbury, Massachusetts
This course is PACKED with information and is a must for anyone wanting to learn how to use essential oils safely. If you love using essential oils at home or professionally, this is the course for you! I really enjoyed this course and will be referring back to the materials for years to come. Thank you David Crow!!!
— Joy, Los Angeles, California
What an amazing course! David is an amazing teacher with immense knowledge and wisdom on the natural world of healing and holistic health. It has been such a great pleasure for me to have participated in this course, entering a much deeper, more focused and directed realm of something I have been interested in and dabbled in for many years.
— MIriam Sanua, Toronto, Canada
As a student in the medical and healing arts, the knowledge I acquired in this course was supplementary to my current studies. I found tremendous benefit for my skills in clinical practice and patient care, all while gaining a wealth of knowledge for my own deep personal practices. The teacher often makes all the difference in the success of any course, and for that reason I’m very grateful for the opportunity to further solidify my aromatherapy skills with such a renowned and acclaimed teacher. David Crow is a powerful being — his deep, vast teachings are saturated with wisdom…
— Julianna Giles, Kenmore, Washington
I have never heard a speaker more connected and on the right path for the right reasons than David Crow. I support and trust him in all his subjects and believe in him as a real and honest teacher with only goodness in his heart. I believe I have learned more of all the right things with him and place him, for me, as important as Jon Kabat-Zinn or even Alan Watts. His material is directly relatable to my life and connected to plants, the earth and our place in it.
— Kelli, Sweden
This course has deeply increased my understanding and connection to all the huge variety of healing medicinal plants… giving me so much new knowledge that can only benefit my life, my loved ones and ultimately Mother Earth and all humanity… David Crow’s knowledge, deep integrity and gentle heart are truly outstanding.
— Edoarda, Sydney, Australia
My relationship with the plant world has NEVER been better. This course has deepened my walk on this beautiful blue planet in ways that I’m sure I won’t realize for years to come. I am blessed to have taken this course and give deep thanks to David and his helpers, teachers and friends that have participated in his journey that brought him to this place of sharing his insights. Blessings and gratitude.
— Lauri Lincoln, Thurman, Iowa
I’m not hesitant to relay information concerning essential oils after completing this course work. We not only learned about essential oils but also many other aspects of healing.
— Anonymous
David is an excellent teacher. It would take a hundred classes to cover the depth and breadth of his knowledge.
— Anonymous
About David Crow
David Crow, LAc is one of the world’s foremost experts and leading speakers in the field of botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare. He is a master herbalist, aromatherapist and acupuncturist with over 30 years experience and is an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems. David is a renowned author, a poet and is the founding director of Floracopeia Aromatic Treasures. Floracopeia was created as a way to help preserve and promote the use of botanical medicines as solutions to solving numerous interrelated global problems: lack of healthcare, poverty, environmental destruction and loss of ethnobotanical knowledge.
David has presented his vision of grassroots healthcare, preservation of botanical medicines and the use of plants for ecological restoration to hundreds of audiences, ranging from small private groups to conferences and lecture halls to a panel discussion with the Dalai Lama broadcast internationally to millions of viewers. He has given numerous keynote speeches, taught at conferences and colleges of naturopathic, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and been interviewed on numerous radio programs. His articles and excerpts from his book have been published in several magazines, and In Search of the Medicine Buddha has been translated into three foreign editions. David travels and teaches throughout the world. Through his visionary synthesis of medicine, ecology and spirituality, he has helped transform the lives of thousands.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a phone line (or an equivalent voice service). If there is more than one person in your household taking the course, you will each need your own line. We use MaestroConference to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions, participate in groups, and deepen your exploration of the course themes.
Please note that dialing MaestroConference from your phone is a regular toll call to California; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. Other options include calling cards and discount long-distance carriers. You can also use Skype to connect to MaestroConference at no charge, and we offer a webcast which is free to use from anywhere in the world.
I have never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon to participate. I haven’t seen a course so well put together ever — not in all the years of taking college classes — and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
– Claudia F., Medford, MA
Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private community website.
Q: Can you tell me about the Private Course Group?
A: We will have a private community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, completing homework assignments and exchanging information about events and other activities that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects and growth throughout the Course.
Q: Are there scholarships available for this Training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, giving preference to those in developing countries or doing important but underpaid work to which they can apply the training material immediately. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is July 12, 2017. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
Tate Rice –
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