David Abingdon – Alchemy Consulting And Deal Making Masterclass – Available Now !!!
Sale Page: alchemynet.net
Value: 497
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series where you will discover:** A time-tested, step-by-step system for generating a 7 FIGURE INCOME
in business consulting and coaching
* How to POSITION yourself and achieve recognition as an EXPERT and
* How to do DEALS, joint ventures and gain EQUITY in businesses as a
DEAL MAKERRevealing*real-life* case studies of ordinary people show you how they
used this insider information and system to earn staggering fees!These
videos give you*access to the same methods and techniques* so that you
can apply them right away.Dont miss your opportunity to see this revealing videos series *ONLY
AVAILABLE for a short time!*
* I understand that the program covers:
1. *Fast Track To Success System*
2. *The Step-By-Step TALISMAN Consulting & Coaching System*
3. *Positioning* *As The Expert*
4. *The Marketing 101*
5.* Client Generation *
6. *Deal Making*
7. *Joint Venturing*
8. *Business Capitalisation
*9. *Business Systemisation*
10. *Advanced Client Acquisition*
11. *Buying Businesses For No-Money Down, *and much more.
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Kale Salinas –
Great Seller! Highly Recommended! | David Abingdon – Alchemy Consulting And Deal Making Masterclass