Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Marketing And Entrepreneurship Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp – Available Now !!!
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I’m going to suggest that you…Beg, Borrow, or Steal – Even Crawl Buck Naked Over Broken Glass If You Have To – But DON’T MISS OUT On This Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity To Grab Millionaire-Maker, Dan Kennedy’s Insanely-Profitable “Lifetime of Secrets” – The Exact Inside Information 250+ Info-Millionaires Have Already Used To Build Their Own 7-Figure Businesses!
Look… It’s Flat Out The “Best Ever” Collection of 25+ Years of Time-Tested, Solid-Gold Moneymaking Advice From One Of The Sharpest Mind In Marketing – Dan Kennedy!
DATE: Sunday 7 July
Dear Friend,
I’ve attended a lot of Seminars in my life. But I’ve never been at one that came even close to this one in value….. in blunt, frank talk….. in secrets revealed.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time with Dan. I have heard literally hundreds of hours of his material. Still, at this Seminar, I heard things I had never heard before .
At this Seminar, Dan let it all hang out. Dan positioned this as his “pre-retirement ultimate Seminar”, where he held nothing back, and covered his entire lifetime of entrepreneurial experience….. embarrassing failures, horribly expensive lessons learned, mind-boggling successes, incredibly powerful strategies, examples, examples and more examples.
I persuaded Dan to make this available in a “Seminar-At-Home” Kit. And I promise you, in my entire career, I’ve never brought a more valuable Program to market. If you read this letter and you aren’t hungry-Doberman-who-spots-a-slow, fat-burglar-excited about getting your hands on Dan’s full and unedited disclosure of everything he’s learned in 25+ years of entrepreneurial adventure — please immediately go find a mirror, and hold it up in front of your face, and make sure you’re still breathing!
$250,000.00 SEMINAR
Way back in the 1970’s, Dan put on what may have been the world’s first $2,500.00-per-person Seminar. Back then, charging $2,500.00 to attend a Seminar was unheard of. $2,500.00 was a lot of money.
Now, this “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar” was the world’s first $250,000.00 Seminar!
No, it didn’t cost $250,000.00 to attend. But maybe it should have. You see, Dan’s private and personal client list (which includes me) — entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and marketers he’s worked with hands-on, one-on-one for years, who’ve spent huge sums with him….. that list includes over 250 different Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires who’ve each made their fortunes based on Dan’s special marketing strategies and entrepreneurial secrets.
That’s a 250-MILLION DOLLAR “BRAIN TRUST”. Dan knows their secrets. He has been there and helped them apply just the right strategies to the right situations. He’s observed their worst mistakes. Celebrated their triumphs. At this one-time-only Seminar, he shared it all.
A 250-Million-Dollar Bank of Experience!
The door of that vault opened wide……… for the first time ever, Dan did something he had NOT done for any one client, NEVER done for an audience, NEVER done in his books or courses. He painstakingly took us through his entire lifetime of experience, his entire arsenal of strategies, lessons learned from his amazing collection of clients as well as his own businesses. His biggest mistakes. What he would do differently if he had it to do over again. The key principles he’s stuck to, that have served him best. Exactly how he has directed his clients to explosive growth in their businesses….. like from $200,000.00 to $6-Million in 14 months, from $1-Million to $300-Million in 8 years, from $260,000.00 to $4-Million in one year. Etc., etc.
This is 250-MILLION DOLLARS worth of entrepreneurial experience, street smarts, hard-learned lessons, guiding principles, unusual opportunities, very specific moneymaking strategies, case histories, examples — that Dan finally decided to share at this Seminar.
So, if you paid just 1/10th-of-1% of worth, that would be a $250,000.00 entry fee. But I want to use that number in a different way, to make the boldest, biggest GUARANTEE you have ever been given:
I guarantee this “Seminar-In-Your-Home” will be worth no less than $250,000.00 to you, with you as sole judge and jury — and if you vote “no” — executioner!
This Seminar was over 34 hours long. By the end of the first day, every one there had — and displayed — a TO-DO LIST of very specific actions to take, that they knew would put at least $250,000.00 into their hands. Anyone who didn’t had been invited to leave with double their fee! No one left .
Similarly, I’ll give you a full thirty days to dig into the Seminar-At-Home: 18 audio CD’s packaged into a convenient pack of 4 x MP3-audio CDs. You will certainly enjoy and profit from the time you spend immersing yourself in this Seminar-At-Home and extracting every drop of value. But I’ll give you thirty full days as a “free trial”, just like Dan gave us the first day.
THIRTY days to evaluate everything.
Reserve Your Copy Now (Temporary Offer – FIRST 20 Get A FREE $685-RETAIL PRICED BONUS. DO *NOT* WAIT)
Make your own To-Do List as you go.
Marvel at the depth and power of the secrets revealed.
But, if you cannot clearly, clearly , clearly count more than $250,000.00 in real value — strategies you’ll be acting on that will certainly put at least $250,000.00 of added income into your hands within 24 months — if you choose, you can opt out…..exit, just as we could have at the Seminar….. and I will refund every penny you paid PLUS LEAVE YOU WITH A $995.00-Value ‘THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME’ BONUS . That’s how certain I am you will be blown away by this material, more impressed than you have ever been.
By the way, at this Seminar, even though anyone could have opted out at the end of that first day and gotten DOUBLE their money back, no one did . AND , at the end of the Seminar, over 50 of us literally lined up and begged Dan to immediately schedule a follow-up Seminar….. some kind of a brainstorming, Mastermind Meeting only for those of us who had been at this Seminar. (We recorded that follow-up, closed-door Mastermind Meeting too, and I’ll tell you more about that later. It was intense!)
Anyway, you will find more real value in this Seminar-In-Your-Home, dollar-for-dollar, than ANY how-to material you’ve ever acquired, OR I’ll buy it back AND hand you a $995.00-value bonus for your disappointment.
DAN’S MONEYMAKING MATRIX, UNTIL NOW PROVIDED ONLY TO PRIVATE CLIENTS. Dan lays out before you the most comprehensive integrated marketing System for creating the absolute maximum possible profits and wealth from any business. You will see the complete, complex, sophisticated Moneymaking-Matrix Dan has used personally and for his private clients. You even get the Matrix in diagram form , to use as your master blueprint for re-designing your business for maximum profits.
SPECIAL STRATEGIES FOR FAST, DRAMATIC INCOME ENLARGEMENT. Dan reveals the inside secrets behind many of his businesses’ and his clients’ most dramatic success stories..… how tiny beginnings have been turned into gigantic incomes, fortunes, even empires with his strategies, time and time again.
WARNINGS — WHAT NO OTHER SPEAKER DARES DISCUSS. Dan discusses the most dangerous entrepreneurial mistakes and hazards that can destroy everything you work years to build in a matter of days. These include Ten Mega-Mistakes & Grave Dangers stubbornly ignored by most entrepreneurs, until it’s too late. These include his own biggest blunders.
ALL THE PUZZLE PIECES FOR “TOTAL FINANCIAL LIBERTY”. Dan has identified SIX CORE ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES that must be understood, cultivated, mastered and applied to get total personal and financial liberty. He says: “To live life on your own terms – that is the only legitimate definition of success.” This entire Seminar is about that: succeeding on your terms.
HOW TO UNCOVER AND UNLEASH THE UNTAPPED FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES IN YOUR BUSINESS. Dan presented FIVE WAYS A BUSINESS’ ORDINARY CASH FLOW CONVERTS TO WEALTH — do you know what all five are? Or is convertible wealth running through your fingers like water streaming through a sieve? He covered the FOUR CORE SOURCES OF PROFITS in any business — and pointed out that, in 20+ years of consulting, he’d only encountered seven entrepreneurs or CEO’s who could demonstrate effective use of all four. Imagine the advantage you’ll possess equipped with all four! He also revealed FOUR WAYS TO MULTIPLY CUSTOMER VALUE.
WEALTH ACCELERATION SECRETS. Dan insists that individuals and businesses have their own “moneymaking metabolism”, and that it can be turbo-charged, to dramatically speed up the accumulation of wealth….. to reach your own “magic number” guaranteeing financial independence and security.
RID YOURSELF OF “ENTREPRENEURIAL SELF-SABOTAGE”. Dan talked very frankly about the SEVEN “SUPER SABOTAGE” FACTORS that undermine your ability to achieve your goals. Understanding and being on the alert for these Factors can be a remarkably empowering force.
SUCCEED WITHOUT SACRIFICING YOURSELF. Dan has been influenced by a book Napoleon Hill wrote late in his life titled, “Grow Rich With Peace Of Mind”. Although Hill is most celebrated for his famous bestseller “Think And Grow Rich”, Dan feels this later, more obscure work is far more significant. There are issues raised in this book Dan was eager to talk about….. how to command respect in a disrespectful world….. how to have influential and powerful and successful people seeking you out and coming to you for your expertise and services….. how to achieve your goals WITHOUT stress, compromise or being consumed by them. This is a kind of wealth even more important than the bank balance kind.
ELEVEN “SUPER MARKETING STRATEGIES”. These are the Eleven ‘Super Strategies’ that Dan employs for his private clients –individuals and companies each eagerly, happily paying him tens-of-thousands to hundreds-of-thousands of dollars a year. Few businesspeople know, let alone apply all Eleven Strategies. When you re-engineer your marketing with these Eleven Super Strategies, you can quickly create your own Income Explosion. And I can assure you, these Eleven Strategies are NOT available anywhere else!
You might wonder why Dan revealed so much, including so much of what he has previously “kept in his back pocket”, only for his private clients.
Well, Dan is rapidly reaching his pre-determined “retirement date.” He has accomplished everything he wanted to accomplish in his businesses, financially, professionally. He has sharply cut back his speaking. He has a cadre of continuing private clients who wouldn’t leave if you held a gun against their heads. He will soon close the door entirely to any new clients. As a result, he came to the conclusion he no longer had any reason to keep anything to himself, to keep any trick hidden in his bag, to worry about his mystique.
Claim Your Copy of Dan Kennedy’s “Lifetime of Secrets” + Exclusive Bonuses NOW … JUST $397 for EVERYTHING!!! (PLUS, the FIRST 20 ORDERS Also Get the *FAST ACTION BONUS $685 INFO RICHES Package for FREE*)
Dan wrote:
“How I wish I could have been at Napoleon Hill’s last Seminar. How I wish I could have spent a few days in a Seminar room, hearing W. Clement Stone’s last Seminar. Robert Collier’s. Etc. Actually, hardly anybody of ‘legendary status’ in their fields EVER conducts such a lifetime of secrets, everything revealed, nothing held back Seminar. There are a variety of reasons such a thing never happens, but none of those reasons stand in my way. That’s why I decided to do THIS Seminar. I wanted to give EVERYTHING that I’ve got to people who would prize it, value it, appreciate it and use it – before I retire. It’s horribly immodest to say what I am about to say, but here it is – I have achieved what few ever do: living life 100% on my own terms, exactly as I choose, and being totally liberated from any need to ‘make money’, without compromise, before the age of 50 – as a ‘from scratch’ entrepreneur. This has not been accidental. Not ‘lucky’. It is the result of a set of very carefully conceived and adhered to principles of entrepreneurship and unusual marketing strategies that, if understood, can be utilized by anyone to equal or even greater benefit
“I have spoken to audiences over 1,800 times, to audiences as large as 35,000, as small as 35, in every nook and cranny of North America, to well over 3-million people total. People have paid thousands of dollars each to attend my specialized Seminars. But I have always been “speaking to sell”. I have always had multiple purposes. Clients’ interests in mind. I have never actually been free to stand in front of a well-qualified group and speak my mind, hold nothing back, have no concern over offending anyone, and let people have an unvarnished look at my entire lifetime of experience.
“At this Seminar, which I conducted only twice – and will NEVER conduct again – I really laid out EVERYTHING that I know about creating wealth and freedom and ideal lifestyle through marketing and entrepreneurship, as I have never done before and never will again.
“You missed the opportunity of being in that room. But thanks to Michael, you do not need to miss out entirely. I honestly believe were our positions reversed, and I was not me, and I had this opportunity to get my hands on this, I’d nearly kill to do it. And that is part of the reason I am where I am.”
Earlier I argued this is a 250-Million Dollar value. Paying just 1/10th-of-1%, you’d pay $250,000.00. A miniscule 1/100th-of-1%, you’d still pay $25,000.00. And as you probably know, there are several people out there charging $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 to attend their marketing Seminars. I’ve had more than a dozen people who attended those tell me that Dan delivered more value in the first hour of this Seminar than those others did in days. But Dan chose not to demand $25,000.00 as he could have; he made it affordable for any serious person. He charged $2,995.00. Over 225 attended. 43 were turned away when there was no more room.
I don’t know if a $2,995.00 price tag strikes you as a lot or a little. It represents less than $150.00 for each year of extraordinary experience Dan poured into it. And if you now only make $50,000.00 a year, you only need get enough “ammunition” from the entire Seminar to boost your income by just 6% to break even. Do your own math. It was a bargain by any sane standard.
The bad news is, you missed the Seminar, and it will never occur again. But the good news is we did record the entire event and have carefully, meticulously edited it into 18 audio-CD’s (shipped to you on 4x MP3-audio CDs), so you can have the same Seminar in your home.
And you can get it for dimes on the dollar.
$1,198.00 for the complete LIFETIME OF SECRETS SEMINAR-IN-YOUR-HOME. Guaranteed to be worth $250,000.00 or more to you, by your own judgment — with a full thirty days to make that assessment for yourself. I am so certain you’ll rank this as your best investment EVER, that I’ll even leave you a $995.00-value bonus plus all your money back, if you choose to opt out.
If you knew it was legitimate and authentic, what would you pay for the treasure map providing you with fail-safe directions to a secret hoard of gold bullion sufficient to make you financially free and independent for life? Whatever Dan would have asked for his ‘map,’ we’d have been foolish to quibble or to agonize over the investment. Now you can have the ‘map’ for less than half what I and 225 others paid to see it. And you will have it delivered to you, to study and use at your convenience.
Order NOW and You’ll Also Get An Incredible War-Chest of Profit Boosting Tools and Resources Worth $1197…Absolutely FREE!
Earlier in this letter, I mentioned the “ALUMNI MASTERMIND MEETING” that those of us who were at Dan’s “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar” demanded — and participated in. It was an incredible 2-day event, featuring many of the Entrepreneurship Boot Camp Alumni showing off the successes they’d engineered using strategies gained at the “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar.” Everything we saw and heard at this Meeting is in the CLOSED-DOOR ALUMNI MASTERMIND MEETING-IN-A-BOX. The fee to attend this Mastermind Meeting was $995.00. I’m giving you the entire Box (9 Audio CD’s) when you invest into the Lifetime of Secrets seminar-in-a-box … and I’ll ASK YOU to keep it ($995 value) even if you opt-out and choose to refund this RARE offer.
A Very Small Sampling Of The Important Topics That Are Covered On These 9 CD’s ($995-Value BONUS)1. Hear a Realtor describe exactly how he uses KENNEDY TIME MANAGEMENT and POSITIONING STRATEGIES to do business on his terms, attract high quality, respectful clients, and have good new clients begging him to list their properties.2. Hear a Mortgage Broker ($21-Million in volume last year) describe how he has avoided being commoditized, has customers seeking him out for his expertise ( NOT “lowest rate” ), and violates a whole list of industry norms.3. Hear two Publishers tell what they changed in their businesses after the “Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp” that made their time infinitely more valuable and more than DOUBLED THEIR INCOMES.
4. If you think you can’t raise your prices: Hear how one attendee DOUBLED HIS PRICES after the “Lifetime Of Secrets Boot Camp” –with no difference whatsoever in conversions! 5. Hear how a private postal center owner/operator RE-INVENTED HIS BUSINESS – 26 WAYS – using Kennedy methods! 6. Hear Platinum Kennedy Inner Circle Member BILL GLAZER, owner of two extraordinary successful men’s wear stores and a consulting company, describe his most successful promotions and discuss THE “KENNEDY SECRET” TO OUT-SELLING ALL YOUR COMPETITION, ALL THE TIME! 7. Hear DEBBIE ALLEN, Author of the book ‘Confessions Of Shameless Self-Promoters’, describe promoting yourself as a leading expert in your field (rather than just another vendor or salesperson) – and give you specific web site resources to use free …. 8. THE WORST REASON TO ADVERTISE – how to avoid this costly, wasteful mistake. 9. How to use a “hot” marketing technology to reach your customers in an exciting new way for under 8-cents each! 10. How to create and use “scarcity” to motivate customers to buy now. 11. THE movie you must rent and watch, to see the ultimate demonstration of “Takeaway Selling” 12. How to determine exactly what is required IN YOUR BUSINESS to make a million dollars. 13. How to add a “premium priced layer” to whatever you do, and increase your net income instantly and dramatically. 14. Hear an attendee voice “The Fear” that stops business owners from raising prices, and discover how to liberate yourself from its control. 15. Hear Michael Kimble describe THE LATEST of DAN KENNEDY’S PROFIT STRATEGY INVENTIONS: that has added tens of thousands of dollars of income to every one of their marketing projects and mailing campaigns – a strategy most businesses can copy. 16. Hear a carpet cleaner explain how he is charging 500% more than his competitors and driving them all crazy by attracting tons of new customers while the competitors struggle. 17. Hear how one attendee changed from ‘Cafeteria Selling’ to ‘Package Selling’ and increased her sales instantly by 25%! 18. Hear how this same Strategy works in many different businesses, including restaurants, service businesses and professions. 19. Discover the one thing one of Dan’s clients did, to add $420,000.00 in income to his business in 60 days! (If all you did was your version of “This One Thing”, you might pay for these audios 1,000+ times over!!!) 20. Revealed: a revolutionary method of getting lots of referrals from other professionals, as a sell-through marketer (i.e. A mortgage broker getting clients sent to him by Realtors, a P.I. attorney getting clients sent by doctors, etc.). DAN invented this unique strategy and Beta-Tested it with one of the attendees here who describe it. Next year he will be cloning it and selling it in exclusive territory licenses to others in his industry for $19,000.00! 21. Revealed: THE most powerful Emotional Marketing Tool no one can resist. 22. Revealed: THE most powerful competitive advantage readily available to you. 23. Hear Platinum Member Chauncey Hutter describe how his independent chain kicks national name brand chain’s butts – yet sells at 25% higher prices….. Listen VERY closely to his Secret for getting his customers back each year for an annual transaction. 24. Guest Speaker DAVE PETITO uses his extensive experience selling hundreds of millions of dollars of goods in the toughest of all selling environments — TV infomercials and home shopping channels — to give you Super-Powerful Sales Strategies That Compel People To Respond Now! 25. Guest Speaker KEN McCARTHY presents the latest discoveries about practical, profitable uses of Internet Marketing (Ken is the expert Dan entrusts his own Internet marketing to.) 26. Dan describes exactly how any business owner, salesperson or professional can dramatically INCREASE REFERRALS – including a word-for-word script you can memorize and use to talk to your clients, customers or patients and stimulate more referrals each time you use it – in less than 2 minutes! 27. Platinum Member RON IPACH shows and describes the unique mailing piece that gets a whopping 42% RESPONSE RATE! 28. See a dynamic demonstration of how to use “SEQUENTIAL SELLING” to multiply your profits (Grasp just this one Strategy and your time and money listening to these CD’s will prove to be a very wise investment indeed!) 29. JEFF PAUL describes his phenomenal success of QVC with his financial organizer – what made this sales presentation sell over 100,000 units?!? 30. Hear Gold+ Member MATT FUREY reveal his formula for making hundreds of thousands of dollars from old, discarded products nobody else values. |
(One Last, Unprecedented, Totally Irresistible And Unbelievably Generous Bribe)
A terrific companion to the “Lifetime Of Secrets Seminar-At-Home” is Dan’s unique resource, the POWER POINTS ENCYCLOPEDIA (3 packed PDF manuals). In this resource, Dan identified 979 “Power Points” divided into 3 main categories: 1.) Advertising, Marketing & Sales; 2.) Personal Achievement & Productivity; 3.) Entrepreneurship & Business Success…… But, there are a gazillion sub-categories. Just for example, in “Advertising, Marketing & Sales”, there are sub-categories like: Headlines….. Offers..… Guarantees….. Consumer Psychology….. Multi-Step Marketing….. Lead-Generation….. Sense Of Urgency….. Positioning..… and many, many more.
Here’s just a sampling of the gems found in POWER POINTS ($399-Value BONUS):
ENTREPRENEURSHIP & BUSINESS SUCCESS 1. The Five Rules Of Business that, followed, virtually guarantee ultimate wealth.2. What is the secret of the entrepreneur who can take risks without worry?3. What to do if everybody hates your idea?
4. The best piece of people management advice that everybody ignores. 5. THE Cardinal Rule of Delegation. 6. THE financial secret that pulls extraordinary profits from ordinary businesses. 7. Why increasing sales is rarely the right #1 priority. 8. The Three Rules Of Management that prevent panic, insure objectivity instead of emotional response, and foster calm peace of mind. 9. How the Mini-Conglomerate Strategy can conquer most entrepreneurs biggest, most frequent reoccurring, most distasteful problem. 10. How to look at customer retention. 11. What one ingredient should every product have, before you invest in marketing it? 12. How to create a Cash Flow Surge when you need it most. 13. What single, reoccurring decision has more to do with your long-term success in business than any other decision you’ll ever make and why do most entrepreneurs blow this one more often that not? 14. The power of parasite marketing: how to create marketing capital out of thin air. 15. What is the purpose of being in business? (Most entrepreneurs have this all screwed up!!!) 16. The power of overhead creep. 17. Why EGO is your worst enemy, and how to protect yourself. 18. The paradigm shift in how you see yourself, that produces enormous, fast gains in sales and profits. SALES: 1. How to make price a non-issue every time! (2 simple techniques that take price out of the buying decision, even in price sensitive businesses filled with cheapest price competitors!) 2. How a simple misunderstanding costs most professional offices, service businesses and stores small fortunes year after year. 3. What you must know about offending people. 4. The one thing every prospect, customer or client wants so desperately that they will buy just about anything from anybody who can fulfill this primal need. 5. The only kind of question to ask when closing a sale. 6. In person-to-person selling or negotiating, the most important trick that melts resistance away. 7. The power of package selling. ADVERTISING: 1. What is more important than creative, copy, offer, target markets, etc. in making your advertising pay off? 2. How to (at least) double the readership of just about any ad. 3. THE most effective kind of direct-mail campaign. 4. How to use five Emotional Factors to make advertising sizzle. 5. What is THE one thing people are eager to buy, above all else? 6. The power of unfair comparison. 7. The two most frequently made mistakes in advertising. 8. Two magic words that boost the pulling power of most headlines. 9. The power of the right offer. 10. Two obstacles that even the very best copy, message and offer can never overcome. 11. Why should you advertise? (Believe it or not, most people don’t know, and waste a lot of money as a result.) 12. A tough, challenging, in-your-face question that will make all your advertising better. 13. A sure winner direct-mail campaign for just about any business 14. The power of the hidden benefit: how to use this strategy to re-invest tired offers. 15 Five millionaires met on a Caribbean island, as a testament of the power of this one secret. 16. The power of risk reversal: how to create compelling guarantees. 17. The power of primacy and recency. 18. The sales letter trick most copywriters forget. |
Let me explain how POWER POINTS was built: A very capable editor and organized-thinker, very familiar with Dan Kennedy’s work, took everything that he had said, taught, recorded, or written, published and unpublished, even consulting session notes, since 1975……. quite literally a trailer-truck full of “raw material”…… and set out to edit out all the duplication, pull together all the “gems”, and get it organized into categories and disciplines, somewhat like an encyclopedia.
In total, 19 years of Dan’s experience and nearly 3 years of arduous labor have gone into assembling POWER POINTS for you.
Each of the three POWER POINTS Manuals come with a comprehensive, cross-referenced INDEX, and the POWER POINTS CD-ROM has a “search” feature, so you can ask questions and get answers instantly! So, at any time, for any specific purpose, you could go right to the proper place in this “tool” and get a quick, concise refresher — what would Dan Kennedy think and say about this? The three POWER POINTS Manuals along with the fully-searchable POWER POINTS CD-ROM is priced at $399.00 in our Catalog and on our Website. But, its FREE for the smart marketers who know and grab a good deal when they spot one.
At the Seminar, Dan gave his early registrants a bonus “MONEYMAKER 6-PACK” ….. six simple, ready-to-use marketing tools that you can instantly apply to virtually any product, service, business, company or profession — in many instances within the first day you possess them..… to create a giant cash flow surge . These are special Tools that Dan devised exclusively for different private clients, so, in some cases, clients paid as much as $25,000.00 for these. He has “generic-ized” them so they can be universally applied. DAN HAS AUTHORIZED US TO PUBLISH AND RELEASE ONLY A VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF THESE “MONEYMAKER 6-PACKS”. It’s first come, first served. Get your order in immediately.
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Find out more Internet Marketing Courses >>> At Here !!!
Daphne Higgins –
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