Dan Kennedy – Make Them Buy Now – Available Now !!!
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As a sales person, you need and want to make sales. It is imperative that you produce, close sales. Sales are the measure of your success and, not to be ignored, how you put food on your table.
There are no secrets to being a successful closer, only common sense attitudes toward work, appearance, and interaction with people.
Regarding work, know your product, be it insurance, call center software or auto parts. If gaining and maintaining that knowledge means taking classes or self-study, take them, or do it. If it means reading brochures about the product, read them. Always keep your knowledge current. Know how to convey that knowledge to your clients.
Dress well and make a good appearance. Clothing should be neat, clean, pressed and reflect a positive attitude toward your work. It need not be expensive and it need not be formal.
A suit and tie might not work for someone selling auto parts or farming equipment, but would work well for someone selling call center software or insurance.
You need not be handsome or beautiful, but you should be well groomed. Your appearance should show pride and confidence in who you are and reflect respect for your client or customer.
Be consistent in your work ethic. Be on time for appointments or open the store at 8:00 AM if that is what the sign on the door says.
If you make a promise, keep it. If reasons that are out of your control prevent you form keeping it, inform your client or customer and make alternate arrangements.
Never make a promise that you do not intend to, or cannot honor, just to close the sale. It will come back to you in unpleasant ways.
Deliveries should be on time. Merchandise or product should be what you say it is. If there is a problem, resolve it to the best of your ability, and if at-all possible, the client is satisfied. If the problem cannot be resolved, offer a refund or substitution.
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