Copyhackers – Joanna Wiebe – The 10x Freelance Copywriter – Available Now !!!
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The 10x Freelance Copywriter
Everything ever covered in The Copywriter Mastermind – for a fraction of the price, and on-demand
My life and my business changed the day a brilliant business coach told me this:
It’s okay to work weekends.
For years I’d felt like I was doing something wrong when I worked hours that other people at boring day jobs didn’t work. I’d roll my eyes and excuse my crazy day with dismissive comments like, “Yeah, I work too much.” And then I’d head to my desk after dinner and work there until bedtime. Blissfully.
I wasn’t a workaholic. I’m not a workaholic. But I’m not a freelancer either.
In this training, I’ll show you everything I’ve learned to go from a holy-crap-am-I-freelancing? to a seven-figure copywriting business.
Your Instructor
The original conversion copywriter, Joanna has optimized web and email copy for the likes of Wistia, Buffer, Crazy Egg, Neil Patel, Shopify, Indochino, Invision, Tesco and countless others.
She’s been invited to teach conversion copywriting on the stages of Mozcon, Heroconf, SearchLove, CXL Live, CTA Conf, SydStart, Problogger, DCI Summit, Authority, Microconf, Wooconf, Business of Software and dozens more.
The CEO of and Warrior Forum, Matt Barrie read Joanna’s ebooks on a flight back to Australia, promptly told his team to read them, promptly invited Joanna to be interviewed for his massive audience, and promptly proclaimed – without a word of prompting – “These ebooks changed my life.”
And when Brian Clark – one of the best known copywriters on the planet – wanted to hire someone to optimize his copy for Rainmaker, Digital Commerce Institute and Authority, guess who he hired. Yup: Joanna. She is the cofounder of Copy Hackers.
The Curriculum
First things first!
Start FIRST: How Jo proposes you 10x (24:32)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter: Start by setting inspiring goals for these 3 things (14:32)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter: Stop shoulding all over your business (9:50)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter: …But are you really? (9:25)
Start Worksheets and presentations for this module
MODULE 1: The foundational core: Systems and time-saving processes
Start FIRST: How to get the most out of this module (8:42)
Start 10x Freedom: Theme your days (32:41)
Start 10x Freedom: Use calendar blocks (23:04)
Start 10x Clients: Create a client wishlist (17:32)
Start 10x Clients: Add a VA to your client consideration process (26:43)
Start 10x Revenue: Stop selling hours (16:23)
Start 10x Leads: Systematize referrals (22:52)
Start 10x Clients: Digitize your paperwork (14:03)
Start 10x Results: Hire yourself (8:26)
Start 10x Leads: Start playing the long game (16:53)
Start Checklist – Are you ready to move on when the next module goes live?
Start Worksheets for this module
Start Presentations in this module
MODULE 2: The confident fluff-free copywriter is the one who can 10x
Start FIRST: How to get the most out of this module (9:34)
Start 10x Freedom: What a copywriter is not. (HINT: If your clients think any of this stuff, you’ll earn a fraction of what you could.) (23:23)
Start 10x Revenue: Why you should be a conversion copywriter (even if you don’t call yourself one) (21:32)
Start 10x Confidence: Where copywriters fit in growth organizations (5:34)
Start 10x Freedom: Do this to prevent run-ins with your client’s team (15:03)
Start 10x Confidence: “This is my process” (14:27)
Start 10x Confidence: What happens during research and discovery (47:24)
Start 10x Confidence: What happens during writing, wireframing and editing (24:51)
Start 10x Confidence: Over-the-shoulder tutorial: Wireframing (17:03)
Start 10x Confidence: The kind of feedback to ignore (and how) (22:51)
Start 10x Confidence: What happens during experimentation / validation / testing? (48:21)
Start 10x Confidence: Introducing The Cheatsheet of Awesomeness (13:00)
Start 10x Confidence: How to collect your results (26:20)
Start Checklist – Are you ready to move on when the next module goes live?
Start Worksheets for this module
Start Presentations for this module
JAN 15 – Module 3: The copywriter with the strategic online presence is the one who can 10x
Start FIRST: How to get the most out of this module (24:29)
Start 10x Revenue: How content has paid off for me (25:59)
Start 10x Leads: Your brand is not your colors. You’re a thought leader. Your brand is what you share. (13:27)
Start 10x Confidence: What’s your why? (6:36)
Start 10x Growth: The 6-in-6 plan (37:07)
Start 10x Results: The blog post formula for expertise building (29:05)
Start Over the Shoulder: Write content like this to avoid wasting your efforts (28:32)
Start 10x Growth: To guest post or to publish privately (25:07)
Start 10x Results: How to decide where to pitch / publish (18:32)
Start 10x Growth: How to partner with a bigger-list brand on content (ebook) (32:09)
Start 10x Growth: The best content to create when time is tight (7:20)
Start 10x Freedom: The reward-myself mindset for getting stuff done (5:15)
Start Checklist – Are you ready to move on when the next module goes live?
Start Worksheets for this module
Start Presentations for this module
FEB 1 – Module 4: The copywriter who manages prospects and clients well is the one who can 10x
Start FIRST: How to get the most out of this module (21:28)
Start 10x Clients: Should you niche or specialize? (19:25)
Start 10x Freedom: What do YOU require of your clients? (15:37)
Start 10x Clients: Landing clients is your job (25:35)
Start 10x Clients: Add a VA to your client consideration process <– REPLAY (26:43)
Start 10x Clients: How to run your 15-min meeting to vet a prospect (27:20)
Start 10x Results: How to put on appearances (29:47)
Start 10x Revenue: When should you sell a productized service instead? (10:17)
Start 10x Revenue: Essential pricing stuff (57:24)
Start 10x Revenue: Is it time to raise your rate? (14:38)
Start 10x Growth: Make postcards your favorite. Postcards are your new favorite. (4:54)
Start 10x Clients: How to run a pre-proposal meeting with a good prospect (37:58)
Start 10x Results: How to sell without selling in meetings (32:21)
Start 10x Clients: Over the Shoulder – How to create a proposal (40:26)
Start 10x Clients: How to present a proposal (23:03)
Start 10x Confidence: How to run your kickoff call (14:52)
Start 10x Results: Have you gone quiet on a client? (14:24)
Start 10x Results: How to present your copy (47:05)
Start 10x Results: What your clients REALLY want from you (9:18)
Start 10x Growth: A client gift is part of your process, yup (7:44)
Start 10x Growth: So you wanna hire a subcontractor or employee (33:20)
Start BONUS: The MP3 that helped Momoko Price start charging and negotiating like a pro
Start Checklist – Are you ready to move on when the next module goes live?
Start Worksheets for this module
Start Presentations for this module
FEB 15 – Module 5: The copywriter with diversified income streams is the one who can 10x
Start FIRST: How to get the most out of this module (9:40)
Start 10x Revenue: Why you need to set a monthly revenue goal (22:40)
Start 10x Revenue: The 6 other ways you should be making money (beyond client work) (13:17)
Start 10x Growth: Before you redesign your site or create a content strategy, here’s what you need to ask yourself (21:16)
Start 10x Growth: The one activity that should always be on your mind and your to-do list (and how to do it right) (29:17)
Start 10x Growth: As soon as you get even one subscriber, you need to put these 3 things in place (20:20)
Start 10x Freedom: The self-segmenter email for general signups (8:39)
Start 10x Growth: OPTION A: Your 3-page list-building lead-magnet website, plus landing pages (9:39)
Start 10x Growth: OPTION B: Blog as site (for big-time content creators and authority-builders) (10:04)
Start 10x Revenue: How to set up, sell and start delivery of your core productized services (36:42)
Start 10x Confidence: Productized services – How to conduct a website review (23:53)
Start 10x Confidence: Productized services – How to conduct a long-form sales page review (24:53)
Start 10x Confidence: Productized services – How to run a “day rate” day (28:22)
Start 10x Revenue: Why not hire yourself to sell someone else’s product… and make money without building or supporting anything? (28:22)
Start 10x Growth: On tripwires, your first product (26:46)
Start Checklist – Are you ready to move on when the next module goes live?
Start Worksheets for this module
Start Presentations for this module
MAR 1 – Module 6: Jo’s No-Holds-Barred Coaching Sessions (aka THE BEATDOWN)
Start 10x Growth: Let’s do a reset on what’s important and why I recommend what I do (0:32)
Start 10x Growth: Your #1 priority going forward (1:55)
Start 10x Freedom: You think this is a luxury – it is a necessity (2:54)
Start 10x Results: You won’t see results until you make this a core part of your work (2:31)
Start 10x Growth: There’s more than enough room for you at the top (1:46)
Start 10x Growth: The two characteristics of a fast-growing freelancer (5:54)
Start 10x Happiness: On friends and family and business (2:16)
Start 10x Clients: The real reason you take on clients (1:52)
Start 10x Freedom: Freelancers vs employees (2:15)
Start 10x Results: The obvious thing some copywriters just forget (2:32)
Start 10x Results: Stop changing direction (2:07)
Start 10x Results: The answers to your growth questions are closer than you think (2:36)
Start 10x Freedom: Do you deserve to be a copywriter? (1:37)
Start 10x Growth: If it were all fun and games… (2:24)
Get Copyhackers – Joanna Wiebe – The 10x Freelance Copywriter at
MAR 15 – Module 7: Advanced insights and lessons for growing freelance businesses
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – The reality of the next stage (10:25)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – Consider advanced specializations, where more money may be available and fewer people are (7:49)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – Advanced client management (27:26)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – When it’s time for you to start speaking on stages… (38:36)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – A crash course in courses (43:30)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – What your waitlist is telling you (15:28)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – You can’t be CFO forever (20:01)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – Streamlined and intentional growth (11:21)
Start The 10x Freelance Copywriter – 5 final notes for you (17:34)
Live 10x Training (Jan – Mar)
Start BONUS! DEC 2017: Live Q&A session with Halley Gray (recording now available) (56:52)
Start JAN 2018: Earning six figures using cold emails, with Laura Lopuch and Brian Lenney (59:01)
Start JAN 2018: Turning existing relationships into referrals, with Ry Schwartz (56:22)
Start FEB 2018: Quietly landing big clients, with Sam Woods and Tarzan Kay (58:24)
Start FEB 2018: Charging royalties with Roy Furr (54:29)
Start MAR 2018: Using new media to grow your freelancing business, with Kira Hug and Rob Marsh (61:07)
Start MAR 2018: Showing up as an authority, with Joel Klettke and Jared Macdonald (60:13)
Start All worksheets
Start Important links
Start Important dates
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Wendy Horn –
Thank you very much | Copyhackers – Joanna Wiebe – The 10x Freelance Copywriter