Combining Evidence-Based Manual Therapy and Kinesiology Taping – Steve Middleton | Instant Download !
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Incorporate Two Groundbreaking Methods into your Daily Practice
Clients rarely seek immediate treatment feeling that the pain will “just go away on its own.” Regardless of the situation, patients want to return to their normal activities as quickly and pain-free as possible. As a clinician, sometimes it becomes necessary to explore new methods — or even a combination of methods — to best assist the client with movement. Kinesiology taping has been used for well over a decade in the United States for athletic injuries, but if applied appropriately it can be used for virtually any situation from acute injuries on the playing field to overuse injuries in the office. A powerful adjunct treatment for manual therapists, taping allows the clinician’s efforts to continue working even after the client has left the clinic.
This innovative course is designed to introduce kinesiology taping to your daily manual therapy practice. Learn the best methods to restore clients’ mobility and function and receive hands-on instruction in highly effective manual therapy techniques that provide rapid changes in the fascial system of the body. Return to your practice with effective assessment and rehab techniques for manual therapy and kinesiology taping in a variety of settings.
Cheyanne Andrews –
Great product | Combining Evidence-Based Manual Therapy and Kinesiology Taping – Steve Middleton