CC07 Workshop 03 – Creative Confrontation in Couples Therapy – Ellyn Bader, PhD | Instant Download !
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While confrontation is often the best way to help clients examine their contribution to a problem, many therapists feels anxious about the tension aroused during confrontation. Leam to employ confrontation in couples work with special emphasis on matching the intensity of the confrontation- gentle to tough- with the level of impasse. The focus will be on how to select what to confront, when to confront, and how to build a confrontation over time. You will leave this session with a firmer grasp of the attitude and posture necessary to use confrontation more effectively in your work.
Educational Objectives:
- To identify two untenable behaviors requiring confrontation in couples therapy.
- To describe a repetitive cycle of confrontation that can occur in every session.
Deon Harding –
Everything went well. | CC07 Workshop 03 – Creative Confrontation in Couples Therapy – Ellyn Bader, PhD