CC04 Workshop 02 – Cross-Cultural and Inter-Religious Couples: Challenges and Choices – Esther Perel, M.A. | Instant Download !
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Cultural and religious differences provide the backdrop against which couples’ issues of commitment, gender and child raising, as well as, family connectedness and cultural loyalty are played out. Mixed couples often face difficult decisions at key junctures in the life cycle. In this workshop, participants will learn to identify conflicts around culture and religion, tease out the cultural contexts of common couples’ dilemmas, and help clients make informed choices about the role that group continuity, family tradition and cultural values will play in their lives.
Educational Objectives:
- To describe a conceptual framework to track dimensions of difference in inter-cultural couples.
- To name three tools to help couples make cultural adjustments and integrate their differences.
Lindsay Hensley –
Excellent product | CC04 Workshop 02 – Cross-Cultural and Inter-Religious Couples: Challenges and Choices – Esther Perel, M.A.