Carter Thomas – Bluecloud App Formula – Available Now !!!
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Introducing “The Bluecloud App Formula”
Your Complete Guide To Building A Money-Making App Business – Without Doing ANY Coding
It’s a step-by-step coaching program that will show you everything you need to know about creating your own app business. It’s what I use myself to earn 7-figures.
Take a look at these photos. This is just a taste of what you can earn, yourself. The best part about all this? I can run my business from anywhere in the world. I’ve travelled to 35 different countries since I started. That’s more than most people go to in their whole life time. And you have now got this same opportunity.
Imagine, you’re in the Caribbean, laying on a hammock. the Sun’s shining, you’re drinking a beer. And the best part? You’re still getting downloads and making money. Sure beats a typical day-job, right?
The Bluecloud App Formula” is made up of 45 video lessons, split into 9 modules.
What you will learn in the course. (This will show you how to get the most out of the program .)
Background on myself. (I know, I know. you don’t want to hear about me. But this is a massive benefit to you, because you get to learn from my mistakes, saving you tons of wasted time, energy and money.)
Complete Course Outline. (This will set you up nicely for the rest of the course.)
Introduction to the app store. (The app store will be your new “home-from-home”. Here’s where you’ll get familiar with it.)
Choosing a business. (Remember – you’re not simply making an app. You’re making an app business. If you don’t choose the right business for yourself, then you’ll almost certainly fail.)
Examples of app success. (You need to know what apps have worked for other people. This will give you an idea as to what apps you want to create.)
Rundown of what you need. (You’ll get every piece of the puzzle with regards to getting a developer account.)
Resources we use. (You’ll learn all aboutthe resources we use (such as the tools and software) that have helped us build a 7-figure app business. You can then use the same ones.)
Setting up your developer account. (I’ll open up Google Play and Apple and show you how to set up your developer account. You should set this up as you’re watching the video. Watch a bit, pause the video, implement what you’ve just seen, and then repeat until you’re done. Very simple.
What are the winning app ideas? (And how do you find these winning app ideas?)
What are the best niches? (And how do you find a winning niche?)
How do you do research in the app store? (When you know how to do this well, your chances of getting thousands of downloads (and dollars) increasemassively.)
App Templates 101. (Even if you know NOTHING at the minute about app templates, don’t worry. As you watch this video, everything becomes clear.)
What you need to look for when buying a template. (WARNING: Do notbuy a template before watching this video. Yes, you’ll be tempted to go and buy one right away. but you must wait until you’ve watched this first.)
A walkthrough of Chupamobile and Code Canyon. (2 places where you can buy great templates.)
A walkthrough of gaming platform, Buildbox. (You will learn the ins and outs of making an amazing gaming app.)
Outsourcing Overview. (Find out what it’s all about, why you should do it, and how to get the most bang for your buck.)
How to find an amazing team. (You can get some amazing developers on for bargain prices.)
How much should you spend putting your team together?(I’ll show you how you can hire great team members from as little as $20. Of course, if you want the very best people, you generally have to pay more. But if you’re just starting out, then there’s no need for you to spend more than $100 on the entire thing, including design and development.)
How to guarantee you get the final product without your freelancer taking your money and “running” before actually doing the work.(You always have doubts when paying someone online for the first time. Yet this method removes all the risk.)
iTunes Connect walkthrough. (This is the app interface. It’s the platform you’re going to upload your apps to! Exciting stuff, right?!)
How to create awesome icons and screenshots. (Nail this and you massively increase your chances of getting a ton of downloads.)
The best formula for creating a title that attracts download after download after download… (Plus, you will also get a proven “description” we have already written for you.Like the title of your app, a good “description” will help get you a load of downloads.)
The most powerful (yet incredibly simple) “support channel” you should use for growing your business and talking with your customers.(This is something all businesses should have in place. If you don’t, then you’re getting well and truly left behind.)
Access to our “resources” where I show you how to get everything set up. (If you follow what you learn here, you will have everything you need to launch your app within just 14 days.)
App marketing 101. (This will give you an overview of what your marketing needs to look like.)
Massive accountability with the marketing checklist. (You get a checklist of all the marketing activities you should be doing. You can then go through this and hold yourself accountable by making sure you tick everything off.)
App Store optimization. (This will make sure you have all your keywords in check, as well as ensuring your app store design page is optimized to attract new users.)
How to form partnerships with other entrepreneurs to fast-track your success. (If you can find a partner whose strengths are your weaknesses (and vice-versa), then you increase your chances of making BIG money dramatically.)
How to use “App Annie” to give yourself a massive advantage over your competitors. (The truth is, most of your competitors won’t be using this. Why? Because they don’t know how to use it effectively. Yet when you use it, you’ll end up knowing what ideas work in your market like the back of your hand.)
An overview of how to MONETIZE your apps. (This is ultimately why you’re here, right?)
The best pricing strategies to make you the most profit. (Get your pricing wrong and you will never make it to 5-figures a year. Let alone 6 or 7.)
How to create free apps that make you a boatload of money.(Sounds odd, right? Yet when you watch this video, you’ll see exactly what I mean.)
Everything you’ll ever need to know about making money with advertisements. (Generating ad revenue is such a great feeling. You are getting paid for doing literally nothing!)
How I generated $35,000 in sponsorship money from just ONE app. (And how you can, too.)
The most powerful way to generate high income. fast. (I won’t lie, this takes a bit more work than the other ways of monetizing your app. But the rewards you get are well worth the extra “sweat”.)
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