BT16 Workshop 32 – Keys to Unlocking Depression – Michael Yapko, PhD | Instant Download !
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Depression is the most common mood disorder in the world and is currently ranked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the second greatest cause of human suffering and disability. It is growing in prevalence in every demographic group, but especially young people. Depression’s tentacles reach into every aspect of peoples’ lives, including relationships, productivity and physical health. What have we learned about depression? What are the factors that give rise to depression and what can we do to treat and even prevent depression? Too often therapists think they know all there is to know about depression, yet what we know continues to be challenged and corrected as new studies emerge. In this workshop, we’ll consider some of the best therapeutic strategies available for treating depression actively and experientially.
Educational Objectives:
- Describe and discuss the merits and liabilities of antidepressant medications, currently the most common form of treatment in the U.S.
- Identify and discuss some of the key cognitive, social and perceptual patterns that give rise to depression and the implications for treatment.
- Describe and structure the components of an experiential intervention.
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