BT08 Short Course 15 – From Resistance to Resiliency – Consuelo Casula, Lic Psych | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
When a patient shows resistance, the therapist should be a model of resiliency to help transform rigidity into flexibility, pessimism into optimism, and being stuck on the problem into enthusiasm for a solution. Resiliency is the ability to get up after a fall, transform difficulties into challenges and become stronger through pain.
Educational Objectives:
- To describe how resiliency can overcome a patient’s resistance.
- To describe two therapeutic strategies to help patients become resilient.
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
Jerry Weber –
All good and easy TY | BT08 Short Course 15 – From Resistance to Resiliency – Consuelo Casula, Lic Psych