BT08 Keynote 02 – The Soul’s Compass – Joan Borysenko, PhD | INSTANTLY DOWNLOAD !
There is no map for becoming a fully human being, but there is a soul’s compass. Orienting to true north requires interior freedom, curiosity and moment -to-moment awareness. The means to uncovering these intrinsic aspects of self, and the blocks to their recognition, are intrinsic to all the world’s wisdom traditions.
Educational Objectives:
- To describe how the use of the metaphor of the soul’s compass helps clients understand the difference between passive and active agency.
- To list three classic methods discernment useful in letting go of habitual egoic patterns.
*Sessions may be edited for content and to preserve confidentiality*
Alayna Mcmahon –
All ok | BT08 Keynote 02 – The Soul’s Compass – Joan Borysenko, PhD