BT06 Short Course 24 – A Compass to Guide Us Within the Diversity of Psychotherapy Models – Ana Almeida Melikian, MA | Instant Download !
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This course aims to provide a compass that helps to navigate within the different models of psychotherapy. This instrument comes in the form of a useful scheme with several levels: metaphysical, theoretical, technical and practical. Some classical models are going to be presented. Examples will be given of how to apply it to a model that the therapist recently became acquainted with, and time will be dedicated to reflect on our own clinical models.
Educational Objectives:
- Given a scheme, summarize a therapeutic model.
- To describe a model that can be used in clinical work.
Alisson Mckinney –
Very pleased | BT06 Short Course 24 – A Compass to Guide Us Within the Diversity of Psychotherapy Models – Ana Almeida Melikian, MA