BT02 Short Course 02 – The Relationship-Intervention Continuum: Two Approaches to Adlerian Brief Therapy – James Bitter, EdD and William Nicoll, PhD | Instant Download !
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Five areas that define Adlerian Brief Therapy (ABT) are addressed within a relationshipintervention focusing continuum. Depending on emphases along the continuum, the process of therapy can look quite different even within the Adlerian model. Two approaches to ABT are delineated and demonstrated in this session: one emphasizing relational qualities and integration of Adlerian teleology with awareness, contact and experience; the other organizing the session around strategies for change.
Educational Objectives:
- To list five areas of therapeutic practice that define Adlerian Brief Therapy.
- To describe the relationship-intervention focusing continuum as a model for developing a therapeutic session.
Coby Valenzuela –
Very Nice | BT02 Short Course 02 – The Relationship-Intervention Continuum: Two Approaches to Adlerian Brief Therapy – James Bitter, EdD and William Nicoll, PhD