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Archive : Bot Badassery – Affiliate Badassary – Huge Profits
Are you ready for REAL, sustainable, virtually autopilot affiliate marketing methods grounded in fundamental marketing principles that will work for years?
Are you ready for a systemized methodology that immediately AND sustainably skyrockets your affiliate marketing campaigns so you never have to constantly chase “the next thing.”
NO Fluff
- We start off by revealing the exact methodology to making messenger bots work for you for the ultimate badass affiliate marketing campaigns.
- This is your launch pad. Your starting point. Your foundation of success.
- This is where it all begins and with this solid foundation, we build out an amazing campaign that we profit from almost immediately and that will run on autopilot.
- Your assets are the resources that you have at your disposal to aid you in your mission to create amazingly profitable affiliate marketing campaigns.
- Some assets are well-known. Others have been deeply-guarded secrets…until now.
- We deep dive into research methods that are so effective, they 80/20 the entire process, thus streamlining our way to profits.
MODULE 3: Reconnaissance
- Here’s where the rubber really meets the road…
- This will blow any results you THINK you have had before out of the water.
- As you know, affiliate marketing can be a very competitive space…so while research is critical, research alone isn’t going to cut it.
- In Module 3 we cover how to effectively recon other marketers to find out what’s working right now, quickly.
MODULE 4: Avengers Assemble
- You probably already know that the best paid affiliates are the most well-connected affiliates.
- Nobody wants to be on the outside looking in.
- Now you never have to be again. In “Avengers Assemble” we go into not only how to join the “good ol’ boys club” instantly…
- But how to bend it to our will and ultimately dominate it so that we’re always the first to get the best commissions.
MODULE 5: The War Locker:
- We’ve already talked about resources…but what about tools?
- We cover those in Module 5. But these aren’t mega-expensive fancy BS tools that will cost you thousands of dollars and take you weeks to learn to use.
- These are the simple tools we use daily that are crucial to making the whole thing work…
- And best of all, most people don’t even know most of them exist, much less use them.
- Your War Locker is your competitive edge.
MODULE 6: Mission Critical
- By now, our mission is clear…it’s time to solidify our game plan for maximum efficiency.
- Contrary to what you may have been told, 99% of your success in affiliate marketing is ensured BEFORE your campaigns go live.
- That means that your plan…your mission…is critical to success.
- Module 6 is the crucial element that you need to make sure your campaigns succeed instead of dying before they ever get off the ground.
MODULE 7: Deployment
- Now that our pre-launch checklists are complete, it’s time for take off.
- All of our hard work is about to pay off big the moment we launch our campaigns.
- But like all the other modules, the Deployment module is critical to the success and profitability of your entire campaign.
- Without it, you’re stabbing in the dark. With it, you have the ultimate check list for “go time.”
MODULE 8: Course Correction
- No matter how good our strategy is…no matter how good our planning is…no matter how good our research is…
- No good affiliate marketing campaign goes 100% right, 100% of the time.
- That means that we have to course-correct. And this is where too many people fail.
- Instead of monitoring these vital criteria in their campaign and correcting on-the-fly to maximize success, they cross their fingers and hope for the best.
- That wont’ be you, though. You’ll know everything you need to know to ensure your campaigns is a winner.
MODULE 9: Escalation Protocol
- No matter how good our affiliate marketing campaigns are, they’re relatively worthless to us if they don’t scale…and scale big.
- That’s where Module 9: Escalation Protocol comes into play.
- This is truly where “the rubber meets the road” – the strategies that help you scale campaigns larger than what you may have previously thought was possible.
- For large commissions that come in every week, this is a “must do”
MODULE 10: Extraction
- There’s one reason that we’re launching affiliate campaigns:
- To get paid.
- That’s what Module 10: Extraction is all about. This entire module is dedicated to ensuring that you not only get paid, but you can ensure you’re not ripped off by the often-unscrupulous third parties that exist all around us.
- Getting paid is an art in and of itself in affiliate marketing. Make sure that you know that you’re always covered.
MODULE 11: Joint Task Force
- Want to know the one thing that ensures more profits in affiliate marketing that almost no one does?
- Affiliate product stacking.
- In Module 11: Joint Task Force, we show you how to effectively stack promotions to optimize profits instantaneously.
- This is a method we’ve used for years that makes profits explode…and almost no one else does it.
MODULE 12: Fortifications
- Make no mistake, in affiliate marketing our ultimate goal is to dominate any niche that we enter.
- Once you’re a dominant force in a niche, you get handed the keys to the kingdom.
- Your affiliate commissions get larger (sometimes in excess of 100%!). You get special “VIP” treatment. You have your choice of promotion methods, venues, and even get offered exclusive JV opportunities that most people don’t even know exist.
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