Behavioral Treatment Interventions for Clients Coping with Medical Illness – Teresa L. Deshields | Instant Download !
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Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Cancer, COPD, Arthritis and the list goes on…
Chronic illness has become rampant across the United States and no doubt it has made its way into your office. Many chronic conditions require people to undergo demanding, debilitating treatment and make incredible lifestyle changes.
Treating these clients comes with the challenge of addressing ongoing medical stressors and the accompanying depression, anxiety, and quality of life concerns.
Teresa Deshields, Ph.D., ABPP, knows first-hand how difficult it can be to navigate these challenges – she knows that treating these vulnerable individuals is serious work that demands a thoughtful, organized, and dedicated approach.
Watch her as she shares 20 years of experience treating clients with chronic illness in this compelling, practical recording.
You’ll learn specific strategies to:
- Address the psychosocial needs of clients coping with physical illness
- Assess for co-morbidity between mental health and physical conditions
- Motivate clients to undergo lifestyle changes to benefit their health
- Teach clients mindfulness techniques to cope with physical pain
- Process ever-changing thoughts and feelings related to illness
- Provide advocacy for your clients among their medical team
This cutting-edge training will take your practice to the next level!
Carl Hicks –
Exactly as described, fast shipping, great price, securely packed | Behavioral Treatment Interventions for Clients Coping with Medical Illness – Teresa L. Deshields