Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder: Over 75 Proven Strategies for Social Skills, Behavior and Learning – Tara Delaney | Instant Download !
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Presented by Tara Delaney, MS, OTR/L, nationally known child development expert and author
- Build new neuropathways using concrete sensory strategies to increase engagement
- Recognize early signs of sensory defensiveness “before” they result in behavior issues
- Role of mirror neurons for motor development & social skills
Watch this seminar and learn the sensory connection to behavior and learning struggles for kids with autism. You will leave with strategies to promote language, increase focus and expand play, as well as other creative ideas to design new and innovative techniques!
Early signs of sensory processing difficulties that may be linked to autism will be more recognizable. The latest brain research supports using sensory integration theory as a lens for viewing specific behavioral, learning and social challenges, such as:
- Inattention & increased distraction
- Difficulty with visual motor tasks
- Hitting self & others
- Escaping behaviors
- Extreme reactions to sensory input
- Assess how sensory processing, environmental and communication issues influence learning and behavior.
- Analyze the latest brain research on autism spectrum disorders and how these findings impact the way therapists and educators work with children/adolescence.
- Determine how early sensory-motor experiences are stored in the brain.
- Present the components of sensory integration and sensory processing difficulties common to children with a diagnosis of autism.
- Evaluate how early experiences may be perceived differently for children with autism due to brain differences.
- Ascertain how underlying sensory processing difficulties impact learning, behavior and social skills.
Sensory Processing Components and Strategies
- Vestibular
- Proprioception
- Tactile
- Visual
- Auditory
Autism: Concepts & Research
- Latest brain research
- Executive function
- Theory of Mind
- Central Coherence Theory
- Mirror neurons
Praxis (Motor Planning)
- Impact on those with autism
- Gross motor
- Fine motor
- Strategies for teaching new motor skills including activities of daily living
- 0 to 3
- Non-contingent sensory diet
- Safe activities (e.g. bath time) to introduce new textures
- Preschool
- Sensory activities to expand play
- Sensory activities to promote language
- Early grades
- Sensory input to increase focus on a task
- Teach Change
- Middle school
- Sensory with executive function strategies
- Social sensory stories the student creates
- Case studies
Blending Strategies
- Incorporate sensory with Applied Behavioral Analysis
- Sensory paired with visual communication strategies
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