Attachment & Emotional Regulation Techniques for Kids: Calm the Nervous System & De-Escalate Difficult Behaviors – Kathee Cammisa | Instant Download !
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Frustratingly, therapy and educational goals are often derailed by children becoming instantaneously dysregulated in emotion, thought and behavior.
While it only takes a few seconds for a child to throw a blood-curdling tantrum it can take 45 minutes to deescalate – by then your time together is almost up.
Now imagine a reserve of practical strategies to deal with difficult behaviors in children. Interventions that will quickly empower children to make good choices, think before they act and choose their best behavior, most of the time.
Join Kathryne Cammisa, MHE, OTR/L, in this recording and learn effective strategies to teach children crucial self-regulation skills that will help them to:
- resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting stimuli
- calm themselves down when they are upset, and
- consciously adjust to changing expectations and frustrations without a tantrum or outburst.
You will walk away with techniques such as relaxation, mindfulness, social stories, video modeling, visualization, and affirmations for children of a variety of ages and abilities, including Sensory Processing Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning disabilities, behavioral or emotional deficits, and other special needs.
Learn strategies that are necessary for children to sustain self-regulation so that they can become more independent and successful in all areas of their lives!
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