Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview with Daniel Siegel, MD – Daniel J. Siegel | Instant Download !
During this seminar recording, world leading expert, Dan Siegel, M.D. will dive deeply into the only scientifically validated measure of unresolved trauma and grief. You will explore the ways in which the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) can offer new insights into your clients’ relationships and their brains. Dr. Siegel will describe how the AAI can best predict how a child will be attached to his or her parent. This seminar recording will examine how you can use this information to inform clinical assessment, treatment planning, and implementation of therapeutic interventions.
- Explain how the AAI can clinically assess the attachment of a child to their parent
- Outline the four major categories of AAI findings and their implications for clinical interventions
- Discuss how results of AAI can be used in psychotherapy
- Overview of the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI)
- Clinical implications of the AAI
- Therapeutic uses of the AAI
- AAI and categories of attachment
- AAI and unresolved trauma
- Psychotherapy and the changes in the coherence of narrative
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Kailyn Snow –
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